Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I don't like any name ending with -quita, like names ending in -leigh. It's "mar-qui-dly" (markedly) "ugleigh".
Any name with quita at the end isn't good.
It looks like someone got bored of Margaret.
I've never liked any African American names because they're all usually made up and ridiculous sounding. I’m mostly African American and my name is nowhere near ghetto but if I had to pick a common African American name for myself it would probably be this name. It sounds a bit Spanish and it doesn't sound noticeably made up. I knew girl with this name and she pronounced it MAR-kee-tuh. I think it’s pretty.
I noticed that this name is listed as "African-American". This isn't always so. This is my name and it was chosen as a more "accesible" variation of the Czech name "Marketa" by my parents in honor of a relative who perished in the Shoah. Both names, are a derivative of "Margaret" from what I've found.
This name looks very Spanish to me.

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