Marita is also used in Georgia. Dimunitive of Mariam. It's quite rare and really unique.
― Anonymous User 1/1/2017
Marita is indeed used in Georgia, where it is written as მარიტა. However, it is not a diminutive of Mariam, but rather, a contraction of Margalita and/or Margarita (both of which mean "pearl"):- (in Georgian)Also, the name is really not that rare at all... and that makes sense, given the prevalence of Margalita and Margarita in the country. I can easily find a lot of bearers on Facebook. Here are some examples of bearers that I found on there (for privacy reasons, I will refrain from directly linking to their profiles):• Marita Bobo.khidze • Marita Chicha.shvili • Marita Ebra.lidze • Marita Gorgi.ladze • Marita • Marita Kavela.shvili • Marita Kupat.adze • Marita Lekvei.shvili • Marita Lipart.eliani • Marita Mazani.shvili • Marita Meliki.shviili • Marita Muml.adze • Marita Rat.iani • Marita Tchitchiko.shvili • Marita Tsintskil.adze • Marita Zubia.shviliNOTE: all of these people have a public profile, i.e. apparently they do not mind being searchable and googleable.An exact Google search for "Marita" + "ge.linkedin" will also turn up Georgian bearers, although it should be noted that LinkedIn has a much smaller database than Facebook.