I can't help but feel bad for anyone named Mario because they were most likely bullied mercilessly for their name at some point in their life and probably gotten mean jokes like "Hey Mario where's Luigi?" or "Hey Mario where's Princess Peach?"
― Anonymous User 1/6/2024
This name is cool, but the "It's-a me, Mario" just got seriously stuck in my head. The video game association will die in about, uh...30 years. Until then, if your name is Mario, take care, ok?
Even though the name is quite popular, I'm not sure if it'll ever lose its charm. I think of Super Mario as well. That game is our childhood and our parent's childhood if they grew up in the 1980s. But please don't meet a Mario and ask him "Where's Luigi?" He might be a good sport and laugh the first time, but it might get old. It's pretty ignorant, you can literally just do research and find out how long the name has been used before Nintendo took over the world. Be considerate of others. It's highly unlikely that he was named after a "racist stereotype" as Anonymous User 12/13/2016 called it. Italian is not a race. And how Nintendo decides to portray their own character is their own problem, and they need to take responsibility for it. No people named Mario should be laughed out of the room (referring to Anon 7/18/2017 for thinking it's hilarious) for that one character. They are real people, unlike the character. You should try to take them seriously. If they laughed at your name, you would've thought "What nerve! It's just a name!"Yeah, and so is Mario.
Retracting my previous comment, I think this name is okay!
― Anonymous User 12/10/2020
It's my best friend's name. By association when I hear the name I think of fast driver, big heart, crazy hair, Marlboro cigarettes, and witchcraft. So, good name all around.
― Anonymous User 6/10/2020
It looks cool, it sounds cool, and the video game series just makes this name better!
Mario, despite the obvious reference from previous comments, is a surprisingly cosmopolitan name that could bridge certain linguistic gaps if a family has one side that is from one country and the other from another where this might be the same spoken and written. If you like this name and feel pulled by its subjective charm, then by all means select it and consider yourself lucky. :)
― Anonymous User 1/17/2019
Super Mario Bros. Doesn't ruin this name, it improves it!
My name is no joke! My name is awesome. I was named after my great uncle Mario who was Italian, and not the video game character. But hey, it's better than being named after a movie character (to which my sister was named after)! Overall, I am very proud of my name.
Gosh, now I hear the Super Mario Brothers theme playing in my head. I don't really care for the name, as I really don't like the plumber himself. I can't picture the name on a real person at all. (though I think I've heard the name Mario Lopez mentioned before, I don't who he is).
Hehe, couldn't name my kid Mario due to the fact that I grew up with Mario Bros. I think of Mario the Plumber and same goes for Luigi whever I hear this name. It's a classic name.