Comments (Famous Bearer Only)

Mariano Renovales
A guy who fought in war in Spain
Mariano Martinez (born 1970), frontman of the band Attaque 77 (2009-2023)
Mariano Apicella is a classical guitarist and singer who is most famous for performing with the Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi.
Mariano Duncan Nalasco is a retired second baseman and shortstop who played for several Major League Baseball teams during his 12-year career. He was the infield coach and 1st base coach for the Los Angeles Dodgers under Managers Grady Little and Joe Torre. Duncan currently serves as the hitting coach for the Myrtle Beach Pelicans, the Chicago Cubs' Single A team.
Other famous bearers were Mariano Escobedo and Mariano Jiménez, both were heroes during the War for the independence of Mexico.
A famous bearer is Mariano Rivera of the Yankees. Nickname is Mo.

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