The Arabic transcription you give is incorrect. You give: ملك This is how you write 'malik' meaning 'king'. The name Malak, or more correctly Malāk because the a is long, is written: ملاك This is the word for 'angel': 'malāk'. Please correct it.
'Malak' is originally Hebrew - meaning 'Messenger' - but at the birth of Christianity the term became fused with the Grecko-Roman mythos of 'Hermes/Mercury - the Winged messenger' - and so now today people believe that spiritual angels have bird wings, whereas in scripture, they were attributed as being Wings of Command - a Military structure led by Mi'cha'el as Chief of the Angelic Host.
This is how you write 'malik' meaning 'king'.
The name Malak, or more correctly Malāk because the a is long, is written:
This is the word for 'angel': 'malāk'.
Please correct it.