In flower symbolism, Magnolia means "love of nature". That's a sweet deeper meaning for the name!
― Anonymous User 12/22/2019
I've done some research and I've found that the last name Magnol is a variant of Magnus. So Magnolia would mean "Great". (Although I'm not sure at all, I hope it helps).
― Anonymous User 8/15/2016
"Love of nature" is the symbolic meaning of the Magnolia flower. Also, Magnolia trees were valued for their longevity, and the dried bark was used in folk medicine.According to, the name is pronounced "mahkh-NO-lee-ah" in Dutch and "mang-YO-lee-ah" in Italian.I think this name needs a nickname, and there are many possibilities: Maggie, Nola, Noa, Nia, Mia, Mimi, Lia, Manola, Nol (say "knoll"), Lola, Mo, Malia, etc.
― Anonymous User 8/13/2009
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