Comments (Personal Impression Only)

This name is simple, yet timeless. Even though it's much more common for a middle name, I think it would make a beautiful first name as well.
I've come to learn that Mae is a VERY common middle name. Many of my friend's moms have it, as well as my mother and grandmother. When I was growing up I was told it was Macedonian, (my mother's father came from Macedonia, so it would make sense) but the few sites I've looked on keep giving me different responses. I think it's kinda nice. My first and middle name is Mae Daveine.
Pronunciation is fine but this spelling makes me think it should be pronounced like someone with loads of phlegm in their mouth attempting to say "May." What did the letter y ever do wrong that this spelling was butchered so badly?
I wish this was my name. πŸ™.
This is my middle name. I love it more than my first name if I'm honest.
Mae is just an aesthetically nice spelling alternative to an already simple/common name like May, although Mai is nice too.
Mae is my middle name, and it's a great one. It goes very nicely with Eleanor, Avelyn and other names of that sort.
I have always liked this name (and this particular spelling) as a middle name, but after playing the game Night in the Woods, I’ve grown to love it as a first name as well. The name sounds and looks beautiful, and I think it’s one that can fit anyone, regardless of their personal aesthetic or demeanor. Just a gorgeous, adaptable name that I would consider using if I ever have a daughter :)
It's actually not that bad.
My name is Valerie Mae and I love it together. I know a TON of Valerie’s, yet none with the same middle as me. It’s usually Marie. I was given my middle after my great grandmother, Francis Mae Bradfield, she was beautiful. Honored to be named after her.
I love this as a middle name because it goes with everything. I really like the combination Avalyn Mae for a little girl.
I like Mae, but I have noticed that it is mostly used as a middle name. Seriously, I think the vast majority of girls have Mae as their middle names. I don't know why, but I like it. Maybe it's because it has that uncanny ability to go well with almost any name. For example: Sarah Mae, Lily Mae, Charlotte Mae, Susan Mae, Anne Mae... it is the perfect middle name! Now I understand it all.
Best as a middle name.
Looks nicer than May. I tried to spell my mom's name: Mae, and the teacher said, "No. You spell it with a Y. Like this!" *wrote May on the SMARTBoard.* She had to look through files in order to know I told the truth and her reaction was priceless because she was so so so SO sure she was right!
I know two old ladies named Mae... this might be okay for a middle name. Just plain, boring first name!
I like it. :)
Prefer this over May.
Mae is a simple, yet pretty name. I prefer it over May.
This is part of my middle name, Magnolia Mae. Personally I really love how it sounds! I haven’t met anyone named Mae before, so that just makes it original. Would totally recommend it!
This is my middle name and I think it's really beautiful and makes me think of spring (not because of the month!)
I really love this name and always have! It’s short and sweet, yet the sound is beautiful. Plus it’s so unique!
Mae is SUCH a beautiful name by the way! I like that it sounds like the month of May, without being spelt the same way. Very original!
I think Mae is a beautiful name.
I was given "Mae" as my first name. Isabelle as my middle. I was named after both my maternal and paternal grandmothers. I used to hate my first name, but I love it now. It is unique to have as a first name, especially for a 31 year old. It's an old school name, people think it's only southern, but it holds more meaning than you would find on these sites. People like "Mae."
I think this makes a great middle name. It's so pretty and sweet and the name Mae flows very well with a lot of names. You can't go wrong with the middle name Mae.
I love this name, its been one of my favourites for a long time, but I feel it works better for a middle name.
Mae looks cute but the advantage of May is that May is also the name of a flower (the blossom of the hawthorn bush) and so a plant or nature name whereas Mae is really just a nickname for Margaret or Mary.
I love the name Mae! It also looks so much nicer than the spelling 'May', 'May' looks too... well, Mae looks a lot better. It looks like a spelling of a girl's name, not a month.
I have to disagree with all the people that prefer Mae over May. May sounds classic and pretty, if a bit old fashioned and rural. Mae sounds too "kre8tiv" and odd, and vaguely unbalanced.
This name is more popular for boys than girls in France. I cannot see a boy or a man for that matter named Mae.
Love this name so much and like spelling May too. Great first name, better than middle- then it sounds like an old person.
I LOVE the name Mae. But I wouldn't want that to be my name alone, I would have it at the end of a common name to make more unique. I especially like the name "Daisy Mae". I don't know why, I guess because it seems everybody is named Daisy, and if you want a character to be named Daisy anyway, you can make it Daisy Mae and it becomes more unique, and yet you still have the "Daisy" part in there.
Also can be a nickname for Margaret. I think it's a lot prettier than marge/Madge, and a lot more unique than Maggie, although I like that too :)
Much better spelling than May. It's a cute nickname for Marie :)
Totally love it. This was my grandmother's middle name and was recently passed onto my cousin. It's a more interesting variant of May and a great alternative to Marie as a middle name. It just sounds so simple and sweet.
I really like Mae. It's simple and pretty without being too girly or cutesy. In my opinion this spelling is much better than May.
I like Mae, it's more original the May, and it's the middle name I am planning for my 1st daughter I will have.
This name sounds like a generic middle name for a female redneck.
Mae is one of those filler middle names for people who don't really want to put the time into thinking of one.
Mae is my middle name too, Sara Mae. I also agree with the above poster about the AE in Mae it also reminds me of Γ† though it would sound like Mah if it was used, which is nowhere near as pretty as Mae. I prefer it to May also.
Mae is my middle name, and I much prefer the spelling with an "e" versus a "y". MAE looks better in my opinion, MAY being far too common and modern looking. MAE reminds me of Old English spellings using 'ae' as (basically) one letter.
I love the name Mae, I think it makes a great middle name. Vivienne Mae or something of the sort. It's gorgeous and short. I like it better spelt this way then May.
My middle name is Mae and I really love it. It's very pretty, but simple. A lot of people are confused by the spelling, but you should spell the name of the month and the given name differently.
I think May is better, it just looks less rough around the edges.

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