It's not pronounced LEE-ra! It's pronounced LY-ra. It is the name of a constellation and that constellation is pronounced LY-ra. Also, the constellation is called Lyra because it is shaped like a lyre which is also pronounced with a LY sound. The main character in "His Dark Materials" (Golden Compass) is Lyra and she pronounces it LY-ra as well. LEE-ra is wrong, that's not how the name is pronounced in English. It's LY-ra. I also don't see how Lyra sounds like "liar". You'd have to pronounce it in a really sloppy way to get that sound.
― Anonymous User 3/8/2022
I’ve heard it pronounced LIE ruh and LEER uh. I prefer the second one.
In English, Lyra rhymes with the Greek roots gyro- (like gyroscope) and pyro- (like pyrotechnics). Also, it sounds prettiest that way.I love the name Lyra because it’s pretty, it’s unusual without being too out there, it’s a constellation of a musical instrument, and Lyra Silvertongue is a great heroine.
I like to pronounce it kinda of like lyric with the first part and ah, leer-ah I find it pretty and easier to pronounce but lie-rah and lee-rah are also good.
I also would pronounce it lee-ruh, lie-ruh sounds too harsh. It’s a beautiful name.
― Anonymous User 11/20/2018
Lie-ra is much prettier than leer-uh. Leer-uh sounds weird and unattractive. My name is Lyra pronounced Lie-ra. I have the opposite problem as the other person who has this name has commented- Everybody, when they first hear my name pronounces it Leer-uh. I hate the pronunciation Leer-uh!
― Anonymous User 11/1/2018
“Leer-uh” is soooo much prettier than “lie-ruh.” It flows so much better.
― Anonymous User 8/2/2018
I think this name could also be pronounced LIGH-ra. It sounds prettier like that.
― Anonymous User 6/10/2018
My daughter is named Lyra but we pronounce it LEER-AH.