Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Better than Kyle to me.
Lyle sounds like the name of a creepy weirdo. I've never liked it, it just skeeves me out. It doesn't help that this is the name of one of the murderous Menendez brothers.
Very unique. I need to look into this name more!
I think this name sounds quite nice!
For some very weird reason this name sounds vaguely feminine to me. Perhaps it's because it sounds a little bit like Lily.
As interesting and peculiar this is to me I like the sound and rarity of it. A cool athletic boy name or pompous butler sounding name. I have no issues with Lyle. Sometimes soft sounds for guys are really nice in comparison to harsh sounding names.
I love writing and if I ever have a butler character, I am definitely considering Lyle! (And Kingsley as the last name!)
I don't really like Kyle, but for some reason I really like this name. Maybe it's because it's less common, I don't know. It's a shame it's not in the top 1000 anymore, its got a nice ring to it! It makes a nice middle name too (: I guess it sounds kind of feminine, but you're better off just using it for a boy and using Lisle for a girl.
This name is weird, but I like it for some reason.
This name sounds pretty shady...
I think Lyle is a great name. But I do agree with an above poster, that Lyle is better suited to someone in academia than athletics.
I think this would be a good break from the over-used Kyle, I think the two l's being so close makes it a little hard to pronounce but overall, I would name a son this.
One of my friends' name is Lyle. I think I like the name because it's not too common and it's pretty nice sounding. However, I can't really imagine it being used on someone very big or athletic. I can really only picture it on a loveable nerd or someone more into academics.
I know a girl named Lyle, and for that reason I find it quite feminine. I'm sure if the only time I heard it was on a guy, I would find it masculine, but since my first impression of it was for a girl it just seems to fit for a girl to me.
I used this a middle name for my son Kristopher. It is a name that has been passed down as a middle name for several generations on my husbands side of the family.

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