Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Am I the only one who just doesn't care for this name? I respect its history, but I just don't really like how it sounds. It also makes me think of 'lourd' (heavy). I don't like the sound of LOORDZ or LOORD or LOOR-dehs or LOR-dehs, though I think LOR-dhes is best. I do think that the right person could pull it off, but I don't care for the name in itself.
This is my name, I was named Lourdes after being born on a February 11th, the day of Our Lady of Lourdes. It’s not exactly an uncommon name in my country, even though it was never popular. I know two other women named Lourdes, both born on a February 11th too. One is named María de Lourdes, the most common combination with the name.
I can’t say I love my name, I kind of feel it doesn’t fit me well as it’s associated with very Christian or middle-aged women, and I’m a 22 yo. Atheist. But I do like its history and how pretty it sounds in combination with my middle name and last name.
Some nicknames are Lou, Lu, Lula, Lola, Luli and Luly.
I actually do like this name with the Spanish pronunciations, although I wouldn't ever use it.
This name is so ugly and heavy-sounding, plus I don't want to use any name that Madonna used on one of her spawn.
What a tacky name. It's nothing special. It's just Lords but a different spelling.
Not fond of titles as names. Including like Princess, queen, queenie and all that garbage.
It's actually pretty now but only pronounced loor des. Lordz is still pretty ugly.
I love the name Lourdes, it's beautiful and unique. It runs in the family and hopefully I can keep it going.
Very pretty and unique. I only like it when pronounced LOR-DES.
While originally I didn't realize this was a given name, once I learned my Spanish professor from Paraguay bore it it grew on me. Now I think it's a beautiful name for a girl.
I don't think it gives a very intelligent impression of people to name their daughter after a place known for religious lunatics who think they see the Virgin Mary or Jesus in trees, doors, pieces of bread, etc, and who think water from a specific place can produce miracles. It's not a very pretty name, and I would never use any name Madonna has used.
I really love this name. It has beautiful connotations of healing and miracles. I love Lola as a nickname for Lourdes, too.
I do like this name, but I don't like it pronounced lords. I think it is much nicer lord-ess. However, if I were to name a kid that, I'd fear they'd be called lords, and it just reminds me too much of god.
So the pronunciation is "LUWRDZ" (as in rhyming with "words")? I'd rather it be pronounced "LOR-dess", but oh well.
This is my mom's name, and I really like it. She is very very nice, and I love her.
I very much like this name! And I would consider using it someday. I also like the pronunciation "Lordz".

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