Lisa is a very timeless name. I can picture a young little baby Lisa with a sweet personality, a sweet little girl named Lisa, a hardworking teenage Lisa, caring adult Lisa, helpful middle aged Lisa and (again), a sweet grandmother, Lisa.So you can't go wrong with Lisa.
I want to date a Lisa, it’s so refreshingly strong and seductive, yet delicate and feminine in a sea of trendy unisex names (think Brayden and Tatum). This name is beautiful and I love saying it.
Lisa is such a charming and timeless name. I think it is taking a rest after being used so much, but it's bound to come back soon! Now that Lisa's more uncommon for babies, I think this would be a great choice for a child because a little Lisa in the US nowadays probably won't have another girl with her name in her class.
This is my name. I was born in 1984. Ugh I'm always one of at least 2 maybe 4 other Lisa's at work, even growing up in school. Granted I went to large schools and work at a large company. But still! Ugh! So annoying! Actually I'm married into a family that has another Lisa in it also. I wish my mother was a little more creative when choosing my name. Now, when I hear my name I have no idea if people are calling me or someone else. What is the point of a name if there are 4 others next to you named the same thing. But this name was a trend in the 70s and 80s so it came to a dead stop like all trends do. I guess if someone named their daughter this today it would be considered 'original,' and wouldn't be such a bother to the person. Aside from the popularity it is a cute name so I see why it was so popular.
My name is Lisa. My dad's side of family, and my longest friends always called me Li, “yeah I know, as if you could shorten a 4 letter name anymore”. I’ve only met two other Lisa’s everrrr. I was the only Lisa of my class and there was only one other Lisa in the school with me a class above me in high school. 1986 born. I actually really like my name. It’s easy to remember and it’s not too common these days. My niece calls me aunt Li Li which is friggin adorable.
I think it's an absolutely beautiful name and it's a shame that it will be one of those names so strongly associated with one time. I would love to see baby Lisa's being born in 2022 because it's short, sweet, and feminine.
Lisa’s an amazing name! Full of nicknames you can put into. I agree with some people it might be boring but it gives a touch like Lisa sounds like it’s shining and the name sounds like a person that smiles all the time and every room they walking into a smile is put onto everyone! I’m kinda biased because it’s my mom name but even without that it’s an amazing name.
My mother named me Lisa and I despise it. The name is boring (although better than my middle name). My mother was very traditional. The name Lisa does not fit with my quirky personality. I have thought of changing it to an original and unique name but the process is a hassle.
My name is Lisa. I was born in the mid 80s. I was the last few to be named "Lisa" before the trend finally stopped. I love the name. It is simply pretty and fun. I can see why it was so popular in the 60s, 70s and 80s. But, I think it is very boring bc of how popular it is. I am always 1 of at least 2 people in the room with my name. I hate that. I turn my head and they are talking to the other Lisa. Lisa was a super trendy name for a few decades and I am sure it will come back one day. Probably my grandchildren's generation. And that will be fun to see. It won't be boring for that generation!
A big favourite of mine. It is classic and also not used very often anymore which makes it oddly unique. It sounds pretty and solid and could suit anyone.
Simple, classic, just elegant name. Fits for different aged women. Has a lot history also. A lot better than many popular names these days. Lisa has class. Good name!
Well, I am Lisa and it’s really nice to hear good feelings about the name from many of the commenters. Oh, how I wish my mom had just splurged and gone with Elizabeth. As a gal born in the seventies, I’m not the only Lisa in my age group, and while this name is the only one I can imagine having, I don’t love it. Mom said she felt it “was just a fun name to say... LISA! See?” I named my children fluffier names because I felt mine was just so plain. It is kind of cute when a friend calls me “LeeLee” or “Lisa Lisa,” but other than that it’s not too fun for me.
I'm not too fond over the name's meaning "god is an oath", since I'm not religious. However, I really like the association to the French word for lily, "lis".
― Anonymous User 10/8/2019
My name is Lisa and I'm 18. I sometimes wish I had a more uncommon name, but I don't mind that much. Some people in the comments call it boring but I'd just say it's nice and simple. It works internationally and it's not going to seem childish in a couple of years. I also find that guys tend to like my name. I've many times been told by guys that I have a pretty or cute name. It's short, soft and feminine. Not the best name in the world, but it does the job :)
We named our daughter Lisa in 2019. It's not popular which makes it special and has a spiritual meaning which was important to us. It’s so easy for our 3 year old to say. I don’t understand how people say it’s dated when names like “Alice” “Lucy” “Eloise” are popular right now. It sounds pretty and is cute on our little girl. It will make a comeback.
I feel like Lisa sounds more mature than Elizabeth. Like your 40 year old Aunt Lisa, but your 22 year old cousin Elizabeth.
― Anonymous User 7/1/2019
I once worked with a woman named Lisa. She was trained as a car mechanic by her dad. She was very pretty and feminine, with a good sense of humor. She liked to party and had a string of boyfriends. I remember her for being easygoing and fun to work with.
My name is Lisa, I have always liked it. No one from where I live has it so it is unique and I didn't get confused with others in my school. Simple and easy to spell and say.
Lisa is a beautiful name. There is something warm, secure, mysterious, seductive, passionate and lovely about the name and the women named Lisa. Although this name was popular in 1969 (one of the top 3 names given to girls that year), I have always (outside of two occasions) been the only Lisa in a room. I am rarely around other Lisa's and when I find someone named Lisa I get excited.All Lisas are beautiful.
― Anonymous User 3/6/2019
My name is Lisa. I was born in the 1980s. When I was younger I thought it was kind of boring because there aren’t really any nickname options other than Lee, which I didn’t really like. I was so bored with it at one point I went through a phase spelling it like “Leesuh” in an attempt to be unique. Now as an adult I appreciate it because I travel a lot and it can be easily pronounced and spelled in almost any language. I find it simple but pretty.
This is soooo overused I can't even tell whether I like the name or not. Please skip this name. If you like it, go with Elisabetta or something with "Lisa" in it.
This has to be one of the dullest names I've ever heard. Really boring and plain. I find absolutely nothing interesting about this name. It sounds very immature and informal, but, at the same time, I can't imagine it on a young girl. However, there are worse names in the world.
Pretty name. It doesn't have a rich and cultural history to it, but is still very classic.
― Anonymous User 6/13/2018
I’ve always adored this name.
― Anonymous User 5/12/2018
Casual, yet secure and businesslike. Great name.
― Anonymous User 5/7/2018
I like this name more now than growing up in the 1970's when it was much more common. I think it is a pretty first or middle name. I think Alisa is pretty too. I like the way it is written, short and sweet. I don't care for the Leeza pronunciation of this name.
― Anonymous User 2/10/2018
Lisa is one of those names that I really like, but more because of associations than because of its own charm. It's really popular. I associate it with my friend Lisa from Germany, Lip Jen Brown from the band 9B138, Lisa Gwilym - presenter of BBC Cymru and Wales, Welsh traditional song Lisa Lân and also a Welsh song by Radio Luxembourgh Lisa Magica Porfa, Lisa from the book by Astrid Lindgren about the children from Bullerbyn, Swedish singer Lisa Nilsson, Cajsa Lisa from Carl Michael Bellman's poetry, Lisa Kelly and Lambe from Celtic Woman, harpist Lisa Lynne, Amy Diamond's sister Lisa, Lisa Ekdahl - Swedish singer... just many positive associations. This name has also a very nice sound to it, but it's a pity, that it was and still is in some areas so awfully overused. I could name my potential daughter Elisabeth though and call her Lisa.
I’ve loved this name since I heard it and it’s connection to the Da Vinci piece is even better. I want to change my name (currently Chelsea) to Victoria-Lisa.
― Anonymous User 10/26/2017
I know Lisa as a name was pervasive for Gen X-ers (#1 baby girl name for most of the 60s, usurped by Jennifer), but I was born in '91 and I only knew one other young Lisa my entire life - she was a friend's younger sister, born when the name's popularity had slid significantly. Maybe knowing (only) one young Lisa helped the name not become so dated or played out (like Jennifer) in my eyes, because I find Lisa to be quite pretty, to both look at and say.Others have brought up names like Elisa / Elise as alternatives, and I think those names are catching on with the new generation. (I love Elise as a middle name.) But there's something appealing, for me, about the capital L in Lisa. I like names that start with L. I think the association with Lisa Frank artwork also helps this name stay lively and colorful (despite the fact that working for Lisa Frank was torture, according to former employees - they nicknamed it the "Rainbow Gulag").
How about combinations (Lisa is short) Short names are boring, but compound names are very pretty and interesting, especially for girls. Lisa-Ann Lisa-Grace Lisa-Jane.
My name is Lisa - nothing more, nothing less. I have never wanted to lengthen it or shorten it. I am grateful that my parents did not select a name from their family trees or I would have been named Bertha or Broonhilde. My name is easy to say, easy to spell and easy to write. Also, I don't get much "how do you spell that" when I tell someone my name. I am grateful that there aren't a large collection of other "Lisa's" in close proximity because I like being different. I am surrounded by Heather's, Brittany's, Tabitha's and Courtney's. To me, those names have come and gone. Those name are considered "long"... try to shorten them - Heth? Brit? Tab? Court? Pretty, right?
Lisa is my middle name, and I'm happy to have it. I got it from my grandmother, who got it from her mother, and if I have a daughter I might give her this for a middle name. In about second grade, I went by Lisa instead of my first name, (I think it was because I wanted a nickname and my name doesn't give itself to nicknames) and I only stopped because I went to summer camp and my mom wrote my first name on all my stuff. Looking back on the time I went by it, I kind of regret it. Lisa doesn't fit me at all, and one of my teachers always pronounced it weirdly so it sounded like he was making fun of me.A good middle name, not the best first name.
― Anonymous User 11/14/2015
My sister's name is Lisa and she doesn't like it and at one point in her life she changed it to Lesa. But now it is Lisa again. My mom wanted to name her Elizabeth, but hated the nicknames Betty and Liz, so Lisa it was. Short and pretty- my name is Lori - same short, easy to spell, old fashioned but enduring.
My name is Lisa and I love it. Wasn't always that way growing up in the 60's since I had anywhere from 2-4 other Lisa's in my classes. It was very popular then. Mostly Lisa Marie's or Lisa Ann's. I am Lisa Beth (not Elizabeth). I rarely use my middle name and just go by Lisa. Short and sweet and very feminine. Not old or stuffy. The name is making a resurgence. Don't know as many as I did growing up. There were also a ton of Susans and Debbies in my age group too. I'll stick with Lisa.
― Anonymous User 9/12/2014
Lisa simpson comes to mindLisa is an ok name.
― Anonymous User 9/4/2014
This name is certainly not 'chavvy' or 'boring' in my opinion. Lisa sounds cute and pretty. I think it's awesomely amazing how there is the famous painting "Mona Lisa" with the name Lisa in it. :)
I always liked this name because it's easy to say and spell. Also, it reminds me of Lisa Simpson (who creator Matt Groening named after his own sister).
It sounds like the sort of name you'd give your child at the last minute, as if there's no time to really think what to call her. Still pretty and everything, just something worth considering.
This is my name. I think it's boring as heck. Like a previous poster, I would have preferred Elizabeth so at least I would have had options. I had two close friends throughout school named Lisa (we called each other Big Lisa, Little Lisa, and Skinny Lisa!), and I have two aunts named Lisa. I am a Gen Xer and it seems wherever I go there is another Lisa! Too many Lisas! On the plus side, it seems to have drastically lost its popularity in the U.S., so you'd be pretty safe using the name for a baby these days.
All the Lisa's I've met were strange (apart from just one) but it is a fairly nice name. However I'm put off by Lisa Marie Presley, unfortunately I don't like her style of character.
My name is Lisa and I've only met one woman with this name. Personally, I think it's strong (for a feminine name) and very classically beautiful, which are two qualities I like in girl's names. It is uncommon for a girl my age (At the moment, I am 12, almost 13) which I like. In my opinion, it doesn't portray any bad thoughts, but I wouldn't think to name a child this (even if it weren't my own name) because it isn't as unique as I'd like it to be. My aunt gave me the nickname "Leesie" and she is the only person I will allow to call me this. I don't like it when people say the name is too dated, just because it is older and isn't used very commonly anymore, but we'll see who's laughing when I'm 50 and my name still fits my age while I'm surrounded by 40 year old Dakotas and Briannas.
I'm not from Sweden, but...I've only met one other Lisa in my entire life, so it's not that common in places I've stayed (London, Paris, Ottawa, and Montreal). I adore my name! Well, my full name is Elizabeth, but a long time ago someone called me Lisa and it stuck.
My name's Lisa, when I was younger I hated it because it was so plain, but now I like it. It's not very common, I know of hardly any other Lisas, and I love the meaning behind it, as well as the impression it gives. It may not be fancy and versatile but I'm happy with it.
My mom's name is Lisa, I've always loved it and thought it was really pretty. If you are considering naming your daughter this DO IT! It's so pretty. Whoever said it was 80's is wrong. That's TIFFANY! I know a few people named Lisa who are teenagers. I love it.
It's rather dated and played-out. I have two aunts with this name, both born when this name was at its peak. And the combination Lisa Marie is boring, and who doesn't think of Lisa Marie Presley (not that there's anything wrong with her)?
My name is also Lisa & I have to say I've only met 4 people with this name, so I haven't found it soooo very common. I like it because it's feminine and not long or complicated. It also remains relatively un-mangled and pronouncable by non-English speaking people, which in today's global village is a plus. My family & very close friends shorten my name, sounds like "lease" - not that I think it's necessary for a name to have nick-name options for it to be used. Another bonus - it's easy to spell, great when you're little & learning to write/spell & not much confusion in adulthood, especially if you've got a long &/or unsual last name.
My name is Lisa. I love it. I hate people who demean it by being hateful Lisas. Yes it is common, but that doesn't make it bad. If you want to change your name from Lisa, please do it because you obviously are not Lisa enough to live up to the name. Lisa Rocks!
Although common, I think it's a really pretty sounding name. It's very nice and it suits a young girl and an older lady. Very pretty.
― Anonymous User 6/3/2007
This is my name, and I strongly dislike it. I know that it's not always good to have the most common name, but there have only been 3 girls my age that I have ever met with the same name as me. Actually, one of those girls was a year older than me. Anyways. I'd rather have just been named Elisabeth or another L name because I was named after my grandma. I wouldn't change my name though. It was one of the first gifts my parents gave to me.
Lisa is my name, and I like it. Sometimes I wish the name weren't so common, but part of me also thinks that one of the reasons it's popular is that it has a very lyrical sound to it.
My name is Lisa and I hate it. Not just because it's a boring name but also because you can't shorten it or change it. It wouldn't be so bad if I could change it slightly. I would have preferred to be called Elizabeth so I could choose my preferred shortened version.
Lisa is a very, very common name here in Sweden, which is why I dislike it. My name is Lise-Marie, though everyone has always called me Lisa. But now I've started to introduce myself as Lise-Marie because Lisa is so very boring.
This name is a little overused, but it's still pretty. These are all the people I know with this name.Lisa C. Lisa F. Lisa L. Lisa S. Lisa A. Lisa Maria B. Lisa O. Lisa D.***That's a whole lot!***
When I hear or think of the name Lisa my first reaction is "yuck". I've never liked this name and those I know who bear the name are a few of those I do not like very much.