Why did they make Lindsay a feminine name when it was first a masculine name to start with? Like Lindsay Graham for example, I think it fits both genders man and woman there shouldn't be a right or wrong way to name your child whether it a boy or girl. The name Lindsay goes well with one, in my opinion the name can be masculine and feminine.
I love my name Seth because I'm use to it as my birth name. But I like the name Lindsay for a man as well as a woman, I think it goes good for both genders.
― Anonymous User 5/30/2022
Here we go again... I always see people complaining about which gender these names should actually be, when the truth is, you don't have to! The parents can name their son Lindsay or Lindsey if they want. It depends.Personally, I love this name...on a boy or girl!
For all the people who are like "I hate that this is a unisex name" you are wrong. These are Scottish names, In old Scottish times people had names like this, Mackenzie, and Aiden. And guess what- they were MASCULINE.
It's a beautiful name and makes me think of Linden trees.Just please don't use a weird spelling variant such as Linzi or Lynsey.
― Anonymous User 7/6/2021
Name for both genders, however it feels like a female name, looks feminine, also sounds feminine. Maybe because it reminds me of the female name Linda. I see this as good name for women!
I actually think this name is under-appreciated. It’s lovely. And I’m going to go against the grain and say that I prefer this spelling over the -ey ending. It might not look quite like the way it’s pronounced but that’s the case with lots of names.I think this would be on my shortlist for a baby girl.
Everyone says that Lindsay is better on girls because it's too feminine, but I think that Lindsay looks great on boys too. It sounds good in both genders. I like Lindsay, Lyndsay and Linzi for boys. Again, a lot of people say that is a female name and bla bla bla, but I really do like those three names for boys.
Lindsay is a girl name to me... anyways, it was like Madison, a surname sometimes used as a male name which became popular as a female name. Never a popular male name, (neither were a lot of surnames that are considered feminine names, though). On a man, it sounds kind of old, not exactly in a bad way but it would sound odd on a little boy. It would fit someone Scottish. On a woman, it is so common but not ugly. It is less annoying them Ashley or Megan, but I would expect Lindsay, Ashley and Megan to be around the same age. Lindsay is so much better then Linda, though.
― Anonymous User 12/6/2019
It's pretty and feminine, not too crazy about the meaning. I prefer Lindsey.
― Anonymous User 8/3/2019
Why not stick to Lindsey? Although it’s not the original name it is the correct spelling of the original means.
I wouldn’t name a boy Lindsay, even though it was originally a male's name. It sounds too feminine for a boy and he is more likely to get bullied and beaten up for having a girly name as of right now than before. Lindsey Bucklingham is a good famous bearer despite his feminine name. With that being said, Lindsay sounds better as a girl’s name. Lindsay Lohan is probably responsible for this name becoming too feminine, oh well. I like the name Lindsay, but for a girl though. I also prefer the spelling Lindsey, because it’s spelled how it’s pronounced. Lindsay looks like it should be pronounced lin-say.
I noticed that Lindsay is more of a newer name, but a similar name like Linda is mostly for older women born in the 1940's and 1950's. Names are fads, they come and go with each generation. A name like Lisa peaked in popularity in the 1960's for births but then it fell sharply and now almost nobody names their newborn daughters Lisa. Other names, like Olivia, Ava, Zoe, and Emma are popular now. Names that were popular for births in the 1980's like Jessica, Ashley, Brittany, Megan, Amanda, etc. Are hardly used anymore. If you group names by generation then you will see that at least for females every generation from the early 1900's to now had different names for each generation. For example, Mildred and Edith were mostly popular in the early 20th century, whereas Karen, Lisa, Linda, Barbara were more popular for the baby boomers 1940's to the 1960's and Jennifer, Melissa, Kimberly, Michelle, and Tammy scream born in the 1970's and Jessica, Ashley, Megan, Brittany were more popular for births in the 1980's, and Alexis, Grace, Madison are more 90's. My name is Kierstenne, which isn't too common in that spelling. It's pronounced Keerstin.
So... My name is Lynsea. That spelling. It's a beautiful name. The only thing is how people pronounce it. It's not Lindsay. Whoever said they came up with that spelling, my mom and dad beat you!
To be honest... I think it'd be pretty cool if this name was considered more "masculine" in the States. As an American myself, I could only imagine what sort of things people who don't know the origins of the name could say to them. I guess it could be more feminine-sounding because of the "ee" sound, but names like Johnny and Finley are more masculine and they end in "ee", so...
I'm a girl and this is my middle name. Though I'd rather have it as my first, which is Aidan, but I like both of them. I also think it's okay for a guy's name, it just sounds more feminine to me because it's mine :)
I knew a guy called Lindsay and he wore it well, never was bullied (he WAS the bully) and never shortened it or had a nickname. Most people with this name are girls, my sister even has Lyndsay as her middle name - checks my parents trying to be cool and spell it with 2 Y's! - but then most Lindsay's I know never go by it, but rather Lindz or Lynn. Nowadays no name is specifically male/female.
― Anonymous User 7/2/2012
Lindsay is my first name. I have spent my entire life spelling out my name to be sure that people have it correct on paperwork or whatever. Quite tiring.The name was tacked on to my middle name Dayle because it sounded good together. There really wasn't any important meaning for me being given this name. I went to a very small school and shared the name with a large portion of other girls named Lindsay (all spelled differently except for the one girl that actually looked like me; creepy), and so for a long time I distanced myself from the name. A teacher would call roll and get to "Lindsay" and I would double check that they were meaning me (even into college, I'm finding I have classes with other Lindsay's). I've come to feel that this name does not suit me and that I want to give myself a more unique name. Like Sunny. :)I do agree it is a very pretty name, very feminine, and fits in with the Ashley, Haley, etc. Type of names. I also think it is an interesting choice for a boy. I don't think it would be too bad as a male name. It sort of feels a bit vintage that way.
In my opinion Lindsay will always be a masculine name, but then of course it got taken over by girls just like all other male names (Ashley, Cameron, Taylor, Hayden...) Why give your daughter a masculine name when there are thousands of girly names you can call them?
― Anonymous User 1/9/2012
I think this spelling looks more mature than Lindsey.
Lindsay's okay, but in my opinion it's kind of one of those modern generic names. Lindsay, Courtney, Ashley... It IS pretty, but I guess it just rubs me the wrong way.
This is much better in its original form as a male name, nothing about it seems feminine really.I loled because all the "Common" girl names you listed are actually male names.
It's a nice enough name. Not the best, though. I do have a bit of a hard time imagining a grown woman by the name of Lindsay. If I were to ever use it on a kid, I'd name her Linda and nickname her Lindsay.
This is by far my favourite spelling of this name, and it's the only one that looks "right" to me. Lindsey is also okay, but there are some truly AWFUL and cringe-worthy "kre8tiv" spellings of Lindsay out there. I'm actually surprised to see how much this name has slid down the popularity charts in recent years. Although it's often grouped in with other 80s surnames turned girls' names like Britney, Whitney, Courtney, et al., this name has a far more feminine--and also a more classic--feel to it, in my opinion.
― Anonymous User 2/20/2010
I love the way Lindsay sounds, but I much prefer the spelling Lynsea (one I made up and added to this site).
Yeah... my four-year-old comment about preferring the spelling Lynsea is pretty crazy. Let's just say my tastes have "matured" since then, and I vastly prefer Lindsay, which doesn't look like the person's parents named them using random Scrabble tiles. Still love the sound of the name, though, and definitely prefer it as a feminine name.
I love how this name looks, but I will always think of Lindsay Lohan when I hear it (that poor girl).
― Anonymous User 12/14/2009
I prefer the Lindsey spelling in English and Linzi in Croatian. Lindsay looks like it should be pronounced LINN-say or LIND-say, not LIND-see or LINN-zee. I pronounce Lindsey LINN-zee, LINN-see, LIND-zee or LIND-see.
I like the spelling of Lindsay better than Lindsey. Also, it's the name of one of my best friends.
― Anonymous User 7/21/2008
This name sounds strictly feminine to me. This is my favorite spelling of the name, and I think it's a nice enough name, as it doesn't sound too cutesy or girly. It suits little girls and women just fine. It's nothing great, but decent. Some people may think Lindsay Lohan has ruined it, but I'm not sure why people make such a big deal out of her lifestyle. I don't know her, and she may even be mean, but if the problem is the partying and sex, I can only wonder what else people expect a young, attractive, rich woman to do with her life.
This is my name. I spell it Lindsay, but I think it is shorter and easier to spell it Linzy, so on all my informal papers I write it that way. I do agree that people mispronounce and misspell it all the time like at school most of the teachers spell it Lindsey and I get very OCD about it and have to tell them the right way to spell it! But over all I really like my name and it goes really well with my middle name (Lindsay Nicole).
This is my name but it's spelt Lynsey because my parents prefered it that way. I sometimes spell it as Lindsay because I think it looks much prettier. This spelling is also the proper Scottish spelling which I also love, my great-grandmother was Scottish and her surname was Lindsay (which is who I am named after).
Another one that puzzled me when it started becoming popular because I just don't see the appeal of it. I do think it sounds more feminine than masculine, though. I know a Lindsay whose mother wanted to name her Alexis but her father didn't like that so they settled on Lindsay. If I were her I'd be pretty upset with my father.
My name is spelled Lyndsey. I love my name but I can't stand it when people spell it wrong. (Lindsey, Lindsay, Lyndsay, Lynzey, Lynzay, Linzey, Linzay, Lyndzey, Lyndzay, Lindzey, Lindzay.)
I think this is definitely a girl's name, and any boy named this would be teased non-stop. I don't like it spelled Lindsay, because that's not how the name is usually pronounced. I like the Lindsey spelling better. Also, this is probably, I think, the most misspelled name ever. But anyways, this name is really nice and pretty.
― Anonymous User 6/15/2007
My name is Lindsay Buckingham. I am a girl and my parents didn't realize that they had named my after a famous MALE Lindsay Buckingham. I still think the name is prettier on me.
I love this name, but I prefer spelling it Linzee. Much more unique and easier to spell. This is one of my favorite names, so going to be my daughter's name.
Excuse me, but most of these 'Unisex' names, started off as guys names in the first place, or even last names. Take Ashley for instance, say someone was called John Ashley, then John Ashley's daughter had a son, and wanted to honour her father, so the kid would be called Ashley, then it evolved into a proper name. Then, someone went 'Lets be totally rebelious and name our little girl Ashley', then it just caught on. So Lindsay, was a surname, then a guys name, then FINALLY a girls name, so I do not think there is any reason to be ashamed of if you are a boy and are called Lindsey, really, the girls should be a little worried, imagine calling your little girl John!
― Anonymous User 12/25/2006
This spelling of the name drives me absolutely crrrrraaaaazzzyyyyy!
Lindsay is a pretty name for a girl, I do prefer the spelling Lindsey though.
― Anonymous User 10/29/2006
I HATE this spelling of Lindsay. LindsEy is WAY, WAY, WAY more prettier. I think of Lindsay as (lind-ZAY). I LOVE the name Lindsey, but HATE the name Lindsay. (I know they are pronounced the same!)
I'm a guy, my legal name isn't Lindsay, but I like to go by it. Maybe someday I'll get around to officially changing my name to Lindsay. It's a perfectly acceptable boy's name.
I don't feel that it's NOT masculine, but it's become a girls name by majority. I'm not a particular fan of Lindsay Lohan, only her younger works, but lately she's become not so cool. (I didn't know how to word that.) Thus to some people it has tainted the name.
My name is LYNSEY (female) and I think it is such a shame it is unisex name. Nothing about it sounds masculine. The only trouble is people constantly get the spelling wrong!
― Anonymous User 4/26/2006
This is my name and I hate it (though I wouldn't mind it for other people)! Everyone's always asking me how to spell it, and most of the spellings they give me are quite ludicrous. "Is it spelled "L-Y-N-Z-Y or L-I-N-S-Y?" I just tell them that it's spelled like this: "Lind-SAY". I wish my name were something simple, like Rachel or Anne. UGH! (btw, my parents named me after Lindsay Wagner)
I would not feel sorry for a little boy with this name; in fact, I think it's great as a masculine name. Lindsay Buckingham of Fleetwood Mac is one famous male bearer of the name.
My sister's name is Lindsay after my grandmother Linda (although the two names are unrelated). She likes it and I don't hate it. I met a little boy named Lindsay once! Poor thing.