Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Funny how people get so many upvotes just by declaring that Lincoln is not remotely feminine, when it should be common sense (can’t believe that this needs to be said; how does anyone see any semblance of femininity in this name?)
Nothing against Abe Lincoln, but I wouldn’t name a child after him. That’s all I think of.
I am personally not a fan of any president name.
I can only imagine this name on an old person. This name sounds really old! Don’t name your kid this!
Lincoln isn't a unisex name.
Cute, and I like the nickname Linc.
Such a powerful masculine name. I adore the nickname Link.
It blows my mind how many of you short minded dimwits felt the need to come on here and bash anyone from naming their daughter Lincoln. I think it’s a beautiful name for a girl. Sorry it doesn’t meet your required amount of femininity.
I think Lincoln is an incredibly strong and wonderful name for a child of either gender. Abraham Lincoln was a highly courageous man with a good full heart of integrity, and still to this day he is immensely beloved and respected for abolishing slavery in the United States and for freeing the captives. He brought an incredible sense of justice throughout the country. That being said, I think Lincoln is a lovely name, especially in honor of President Lincoln. For a boy, I think it would sound nice paired with a name like James, Nathaniel, Oliver, Isaiah, etc., and for a girl, I think Lincoln would sound beautiful paired with a name such as Justice, Hope, Faith, Alexandra, etcetera.
Overall, Lincoln is an awesome name, in my opinion.
I don’t love it but I don’t hate it either.
This is a bad name for a child. It's too vulgar.
Very good name, I named my child Lincoln after Abraham.
Although I have respect for Abraham Lincoln, I’m not a fan of any president name... especially this one for some reason. Makes me picture Abraham Lincoln every time I hear it. Not a fan At All!
My cousin is named Lincoln and I think it is a very unique name. I do not get why so many people don´t like it and I am not just saying that because my cousin's name is Lincoln, I am saying it because I really do like it.
Don't like it. Sounds like a surname and the city in England isn't exactly a place worth naming after.
It sounds a bit pretentious and very surnamey. Lincoln does not look or sound feminine in any way.
I named my son Lincoln. I find that it is a powerful sounding name. My daughter, I named Brooklyn.
Just a friendly reminder that names don’t have a gender. Please don’t give pity to females when they could actually like their name.
Kristen Bell and Dax Shepard named their first daughter Lincoln out of his (Dax’s) love for his 1967 Lincoln Continental. They named their second daughter Delta. If you don’t passionately love Lincoln vehicles and you wouldn’t name your daughter Delta, maybe move along from naming your daughter Lincoln...
Lincoln is the only vehicle related name I can stand on a guy. Maybe because Abe Lincoln’s legacy is so profound, it dwarfs any automaker connotation? It’s decidedly masculine.
Though I prefer Lincoln so much on a boy, it’s still an interesting choice for a girl. It sounds feminine enough to suit a girl. But if I named a girl Lincoln, I would definitely consider giving her a feminine middle name because this name does sound masculine. I only like boy names on girls with middle names that are girly, such as Lincoln Marie, not Lincoln Carter, that’s for a boy.
Oh look... Another good masculine name ruined.
Another name that I'm shocked to find out that people are using for girls. In what world does this name sound feminine?
It's not awful, but it isn't overly attractive either. I personally wouldn't use it for a boy. And it's hideous on a girl.
Strong male name and definitely not a girl's name. The name also has Celtic connections namely Irish, and you get fair few people in Ireland called it. I would say it's an older generation name like Arthur in England, so still has that rare factor which is also nice.
If you name your son Lincoln, that's just fine. But I don't see it as a girl's name. Seriously. I like Kristen Bell (Anna in Frozen!) but when she named her daughter Lincoln... I tried to understand but just can't. It's sooo masculine!
We named our son Lincoln. We call him Linc a lot, too. I love the name, of course. It was my great uncle's middle name, but it's what everyone called him. In my opinion, it's the perfect 2 syllable length, but then you have the cool shortened form too. To me the sound of it, in either of it's forms, is strong and meaningful. He is truthfully our Linc (link), our connection to our past, and our contribution to, and hope for the future.
I thought it was a weird name at first, but the more I say it, the more I like it. Now it's among my favorites, and I'd highly recommend it to anyone having a son.
"Lincoln, Lincoln, Lincoln"... This name is an utter joy!
While I typically am not a manic supporter of surname-turned-forenames I can put all that aside. It is a very classic, masculine name-- and for those whom believe a child would be teased for certain resemblances you are likely the same beings titling you children "August," "Juniper" and other such artsy, kre8tiv, made-up, nature-types."Link" is a splendid diminutive-- one that has the ability to grow and transfer from boy to man with grace.
I like this name. I think it'd be cool to name two twin boys Lincoln and Lee, after the Civil War commanders from both sides of the war. Kinda like ying and yang.
This is quite a pretentious name, but at least this isn't spelled Linkin or some other asinine spelling.
I love the name Lincoln because it is very masculine and strong sounding, also I am a huge fan of Prison Break. I plan on naming my twin boys Lincoln and Michael after the show's characters. I know that's weird but I really love this name. :)
This name reminds me of a Lincoln Town Car (an old person's car). Not a very attractive vehicle.
It's a pretty cool name, and "Link" would be an awesome nickname, with the hero in Legend of Zelda and all.
I would seriously consider naming one of my sons Lincoln. I think it had a lot of class and structure for a name. The connection between the name Lincoln and Abraham Lincoln would be a petty reason to not use this name. That's like saying you wouldn't use the name Benjamin because of Benjamin Franklin. My only grief with this name is that it doesn't have a great meaning for it but it's still a great name.
In response to the comment that the connection between the name Lincoln and Abraham Lincoln being a petty reason not to use the name: the connection between the name Lincoln and Abraham Lincoln is the only reason I would use the name. What's wrong with naming a boy after our country's greatest president?
I have nothing against the name Lincoln although it's not my favorite. My only suggestion is that if you're going to name your son Lincoln, it's probably better you don't live in Nebraska. Since it's the capital and all.
Lincoln for a girl--INDEED! Please, please, please don't give your daughter such a masculine-sounding name! There is already enough of that going on these days.
It reminds me of "Link" the Zelda character.
I think it is a good strong boys name.
I like this name very much -- but for a girl. I've been told that I'm insane for supporting it, but it is still one of my favorite female names. I've even come up with a combo for it: Lincoln Claire!

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