I would definitely name my son this, or maybe even a cat. Maybe Lev Mikhail, Lev Valery or Lev Nikolai would work.
I like it much better than Leo, but people in the USA will mistake it for Levi.
This name is so perfect. Strong, kind, and intellectual.
I like this! Strong and simple with a nice meaning. It also looks and sounds good.
Like the name, but reminds me of Lev from Lolirock. So I would never name someone this but other than that Lev is a lovely gender neutral name.
The name is pronounced with palatalization before the "e". It should sound like "LYEHF".
It is literally pronounced LEV. Just how Lev Cameron pronounces his name!
In Hebrew "Lev" means "heart", so it's a cool name for both languages.
Lev Yashin was a Soviet football goalkeeper. He's often considered the best in the game's history.
Swiss actress Candace Cameron & Russian hockey player Valeriy Bure have a son Lev Valeriyevich Bure, born 20. February, 2000.
Lev Nikolaievech Myshkin was the prince and main character in Dostoyevsky's novel The Idiot.

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