I didn't like the sound at first, but it grew on me - probably because I found out that it was the name of a bird. I really like nature names. I think that many of them should be unisex because the environment is for everyone to enjoy. I no longer see Raven or Robin as strictly feminine either.
Hi my name is Lark and I found it hard when younger. But now as an adult I get mostly compliments so I am thankful to not be named the same as everyone else. My mum named me after a character in the old film called Enchantment. I wouldn't change it for anything. My daughter's names include Harmony and Cadence which are musical, so go with my name.
Reading all these comments really hurts me. My name is Lark and it has been for MY WHOLE LIFE and never once has anyone ever told me they don't like it- actually it's the opposite, most people I meet say it's a very pleasant name and all these people who are saying it's a bad name really just need to go find somewhere else to be. I'm sure they're about to go look at one of those overused names like Amanda or Rebecca. I personally find it very offensive and neither of my parents ever regretted naming me Lark and it goes SUPER well with my middle name; Amelia and those people who say it doesn't fit couldn't be more wrong. I'm a girly girl sometimes [I wear pink every day and I'm really motherly to all my friends] but I'm also a tomboy [I play video games and sports] and I've never once felt like I'm "betraying my name" Sorry I ranted but I love my name and quite frankly no other name fits me quite as well [I mean, what else do you name a blue eyed, blondie? Elizabeth? Anna? Jane?] In conclusion, Lark is a good name that fits everyone but is still super unique and it's perfect for me.
Lark is an interesting alternative to the overused Robin and Raven. In Victor Hugo's Les Miserables, Cosette is often called "the Lark" as a child. Because of this association with my favourite book as well as the expression "happy as a Lark", this name sounds very cheery and joyful to me.
― Anonymous User 1/23/2019
A beautiful name for a girl, especially in a family of singers or musicians.
To anyone reading this who likes the name. Don't be put off by the 'honest opinions' of some of these people. Clearly their mothers never taught them the difference between honest and down right rude. Especially when they write that they vomited on hearing the name even after seeing a post from someone actually named Lark - how lovely of them. My daughter is named Lark, I don't find it harsh or ugly, and almost everyone who hears it, comments on how pretty it is. My daughter is very much a girly girl, very feminine and it suits her just fine. I do hope however that it doesn't get popular, as I like the fact that no one else in her class will have the name. No need to add the first letter of her last name just to differentiate her from the three other girls in the class with the same name! So ignore the nasty comments :)
Ewwww *Nearly vomits on screen* who in their right mind who name their daughter this? Lark sounds VERY harsh and also, unflattering. It's an horrific name for both genders but worse on a girl. There is nothing remotely feminine about the name. It's absolutely revolting. Nothing I'd ever use; character, pet or child. This name isn't very popular and I can understand why. And I can guarantee that it will never become excessively popular and common. Lark is such an ugly, ugly, ugly, harsh and unflattering name. My honest opinion.
― Anonymous User 7/23/2015
I named my daughter Lark. The name came to me when I was pregnant and I do admit, at first it sounded rather harsh to me but I could not get the name out of my head, as if I was supposed to name her Lark. I live in a predominately black community and reactions to the name were not positive so it was difficult when she was an infant because so many people would say "Lark? What kind of name is that?" Anyway, I am so glad to have chosen this name. There is a gorgeous piece of music called "The Lark Ascending" by a British composer. It isn't a name for everyone perhaps, but my daughter loves her name and coincidentally is developing as "happy as a Lark." :)
Eh. I think it can be unisex, but its much better as a middle name. There's a celebrity with a baby daughter called Agnes Lark, can't remember who... But I think it's a pretty and refreshing combination :)
― Anonymous User 6/23/2013
I think this name is too cutesy for a first name- but it would make an interesting middle name:) Definitely a girl's name.. you don't name a boy after birds, flowers, gemstones, etc.
Lark sounds completely feminine to me. I love the name. I think it sounds really pretty and unique. And, the Lark is Cosette's nickname in Les Misérables, which I like.
― Anonymous User 7/15/2009
The meaning is feminine, but the word itself sounds masculine to me. I could maybe see this as a middle name, but not a first.
I really like the name Lark thanks to the enchanting BBC series Lark Rise to Candleford. Whether I'd ever use it, probably not. It would make a lovely name for a character.
I think it is a beautiful name but get the feeling that the joke 'Were your parents larking about when they named you?' may appear in that persons life.To lark about is to joke about. Not sure how widely used this term is.
I feel that this name is very pretty. It's a nice nickname that I use for my sister, and I know that she absolutely adores it. Plus, they use it in Les Miserables for Cosette, which gives it lots of cool points.