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My name is Kyra and is pronounced like Key-ruh (hence my username) and I find it extremely unacceptable when people tell ME that my name is pronounced incorrectly. Take it up with my parents?! Also Kyra Sedgwick pronounces it the same and she’s hot and rich soooo.
Pronouncing Kyra as KEE-ra makes absolutely no sense to me personally. No one would pronounce Kyla as KEE-la or Kya as KEE-ah.There is no English word in which "ky" sounds like "kee" except for "kyrie" which comes from a Greek word and doesn't share its origins with Kyra.
I know 2 Kyra's, and one pronounces it "Ky-rah" while the other pronounces it "Kier-rah".
My name is Kyra and I pronounce it Kee-rah.
I think Keer-Uh is the best pronunciation.
My name is Kyra and I think it's actually a quite beautiful name. I like the way it's spelled and can be pronounced in many different ways. I've had many people pronounce it K-eye-ra and Ki-ara instead of Keera. People who keep saying that you should just spell the name Kira if you want it pronounced as Keera, but it would be no fun that way. It's a unique name and it doesn't bother me at all when people say it 'wrong'. Hell, some of my teachers who've had me in their class for five months still call me K-eye-ra. It shouldn't bother anyone much. But that's just my opinion.
It's sometimes pronounced k-eye-rah.
I have a friend named this. Everyone (and I mean everyone) automatically pronounces it kie-ra, though she pronounces it keer-ra. I imagine that must get tiring. If you want it pronounced keer-ra, you should spell it differently. Personally, I like it kie-ra.
People don't realize that Kyra is a Greek name. It is pronounced with a lond "e" sound, just like Kyra Sedgwick. It is not wrong to say and spell it like that. People who say it is wrong are probably the same ones who say "giro" instead of the correct "yeero" when they order a gyro.
There is debate over the English pronunciation of this name. The letter "y" can have different pronunciations in English, depending on its position within the word and the language the word came from. I believe the people who pronounce Kyra KIE-ra were influenced by names like Myra and Tyra which I have never heard pronounced with an "ee" sound. However, the KEE-ra pronunciation of Kyra is also valid, for example I have always heard the male name Kyran being pronounced KEER-an, never KIE-ran.
I prefer the name pronounced Kee-ra. I don't see why it shouldn't be pronounced like that anyway - it can be pronounced either Kee-ra or Kie-ra, as the name's page says.
I have always heard it pronounced the same way as Kira: KYIR-uh, or KYEER-uh.
I see that a lot of people who's name is Kyra, have people mispronounce it as Kie-ra, like Kyra Sedgwick. I have the opposite problem and it annoys me to no end. My name is supposed to be pronounced Kie-ra and everyone calls me K-eye-ra. I think both pronunciations are beautiful, though many people seem to like to point out that my name should be spelled Kira. I don't mean to offend anyone who's name is spelt like that, but I REALLY don't like that spelling.
I think this name should be pronounced KYE-RUH. If you want it pronounced KIR-UH, you should probably spell it Kira to avoid confusion. You could also spell it Keira or Kiera but those names could be pronounced KIR-uh or KEE-AIR-UH, so that could cause confusion too.
Kyra is pronounced K eye ra, rhyming with Tyra or Myra, not Keera. If you want your name or your daughter’s name to be pronounced Keera, you spell it Keira (as in Keira Knightly), Kiera, or Kierra. I always thought Kyra and Kierra would be great names for twin girls, but I guess it would cause confusion as to pronunciation. People would think they had the same name.
Pronunciation Keer-ah as in Kyra Sedgwick.
This name is pronounced as Kie-ra. My name is Kyra as in K-eye-ra.

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