Comments (Personal Impression Only)

My mom really liked the name Kristin. I’m not sure if she preferred the Kristen spelling, I’ve never seen her write it down. However, it was really close to my aunt’s name (Kirstyn). Anyway, my dad loved Katherine, so I’m Katherine. It’s really pretty. I love it.
Can probably avoid some mispronunciations if you use this spelling.
The Kristin I know is perfectly suited for this name. In my mind this name is *super common*, but when I think about it she's the only one I actually know. I like it, I think it's just feminine enough without being too girly.
Classy name.
Always associated with Krissy Taylor for me.
Kristin is my name. (Pronounced KRIS-tin) With all honesty, I don't like my name and I never really have. There is nothing beautiful about it and it doesn't sound very feminine to me. It sounds a bit harsh to me. I'd like to say my name has meaning to me but that's just not true. My mom named me Kristin so that she could call me Kris. She wanted me to grow up with a cute semi-masculine or "little boys" nickname. Unfortunately no one ended up calling me Kris. It never caught on. I don't think the name fits me and I wish my mother had thought of something different. Every time I introduce myself, my name always gets repeated back to me for clarification, only no one gets it right the first time. It's always "Kristi?...Christian?... Kristine?" I stopped correcting people. I'm usually just given special nicknames by everyone.
Very pretty, I love this name and I consider it for a daughter.
I like the name Kristin better then Kristen. It's a nice name, especially this spelling. I like the nickname Kristie as well.
This is my name and I have mixed feelings about it. I like that it honors my Swedish heritage and fits with my last name, but at times I've thought it was a harsh-sounding name. Also, it gets misspelled frequently (most often as Kristen) and that drives me nuts!
Never thought it was a real name. I find it very uncommon and a little weird.
My name is Kristin and I have had to tell people my entire life that it is pronounced Kris-tin not Kris-chin. Other than that, most people just call me Kris.
I normally don't like 'Chris' sounding names, but I really like Kristin. The spelling and the sound seem very happy and cheerful to me.
Spelling: Kristyn
This used to be one of my favorite names. I don't like it as much anymore, but I still think it's really nice.
I prefer this spelling to the more common Kristen, since it doesn't have the bad association with Kristen Stewart.
All in all, I really love my name. It's fun and modern, but can still sound serious. The only thing I don't like is how many people spell it Kristen by mistake.
My name is Kristin, pronouced (Kris-Ten). I love this name. It has always been good to me. I would never change my name for anything. Every Kristin I have ever met has been sweet and caring.
I noticed that the spelling Kristen was more popular than the spelling Kristin. Whether it is spelt with "in" or "en" I think this is a great name.

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