Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Looks cool, but personally, I wouldn't use it.
Yikes, a lot of x's.
I changed my mind. This name is actually pretty cool!
I love it! It sounds masculine but kinda cute. I dunno. I'm just smitten with it I guess. I'm a doll maker, and I named a doll Knox the second I could.
It sounds too much like "knocks" for my liking.
Unattractive. It doesn't even sound like a legitimate name.
I'm surprised to see a lukewarm response to this name - for a newer, trendy name I think it's very cool.
Sounds like a mean guy.
I think Knox is a nicely unique name! It's not plain, but it isn't too crazy, and doesn't sound made up or anything. I don't really see how a Knox could have any nicknames though.
It makes me think of Fort Knox.
I actually just named my son Knox. I think it is very strong and masculine. My name is Welsh and my partner's English so it fit well...
It just reminds me of Fort Knox.
To me, "Knox" sounds like it should be the name of a big, beefy, maybe-not-the-brightest guy with a buzz cut, probably because "ox" is part of the name.
This is a strange name. I prefer it left as a surname, personally. To me it sounds very unprofessional and childish, and I can't shake the fact that it sounds exactly like "knocks".
I actually find this name strangely alluring, surprisingly enough. I suppose I relate it to Fort Knox, which makes me think of terms along the lines of "Strong; Loyal, Committed; Faithful; Powerful; Determined; Brave; Courage", but I am aware those definitions are a far cry from the actual meaning. The image of a barbed-wire fence cannot seemingly leave my mind, either.Would I use it as a name, though? Regrettably or not, no.
It reminds me of the word "noxious". It sounds evil to me.
My nephew is named Knox and I happen to like it very much. A name shouldn't be defined by its meaning. It's a name, someone's identity.
Knox is a very nice name and I think it's an easy name to carry through life and won't get old. Love it!
The name KNOX means "round hill". Why would someone give a child such a name? It is absolutely dorky. For Angelina and Brad - disappointed!
This name sounds very dorky, like the name of some annoying little kid or a stupid frat boy. Plus, it is pronounced just like 'knocks'.
I can never hear this name without thinking of the character (from Dead Poets Society): a nice, passionate young man!
I agree with user, FMRadio
Knox Overstreet always comes to mind.
This name always makes me laugh. I have no idea why, but the way you say it just sounds so funny.

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