My inclination is to pronounce it KLIGH-tee, rhymes with 'flighty'. The weird vowel cluster at the end is probably supposed to make a three-syllable name, though. My experience dictates that a vowel with a trema is usually pronounced the same as how I would say the vowel if I was naming it - that is, ë would be EE. However, that is how umlauts tend to work and diaereses are not umlauts - this is a diaeresis. Thus I suspect that this name is meant to be pronounced more like KLIGH-tee-eh, which would almost certainly be taken into Latin as Clytia/KLIGH-tee-uh.
I'm not positively sure on how to pronounce this name, but the umlaut over the "e" causes it to be pronounced seperately from the preceding "i." I think that this name may be pronounced Klee-tee-a or Klie-tee-a.
― Anonymous User 6/15/2007
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