Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Stupid name. Kirke is slightly better.
This is a nice name, but it’s the name of the weird guy in Gilmore Girls so now when I hear the name, I think of someone strange. However, Kirk is one of my favorite characters.
I think this name is really cute! It seems appropriate for a male at any stage in his life without sounding too babyish or old mannish. This name is also better sounding than Kurt/Curt. Pretty simple but not boring.
By no means is this one of my favorite names but it is simple and unique. I could see where people are coming from if they say it sounds too much like a nickname though. But overall I think it’s a good option when it comes to shorter uncommon names.
When I hear the name Kirk I first think of Kirk Douglas. Great actor, not bad looking either. Secondly, I think of Captain James T. Kirk of Star Trek fame. Both men have swagger, confidence, EGO (possibly unchecked) and a way with the ladies. So why wouldn't you want to name your son Kirk? He will probably be on the dramatic side though.
The greatest name ever!
I suspect that Douglas 013 is a member of the Kirk Douglas family. Just saying... ;-) P.S. I loved Spartacus.And yes, Kirk is a great name.
Love it. Wanted a short, simple name to call my son. Thought of Luke. So glad I didn't as 2 of my coworkers named their boys that the same year. Kirk isn't so common and sounded great with his first name Robert. Named after Dodger baseball player Kirk Gibson.
It sounds a bit like a bird noise. Kirk Kirk kirk Kirk...
This name is so masculine, unique and cute! :D.
This is definitely an awesome name! I'm gonna have to add it to my list (: I think it's a really hot name probably because of my impression of any Kirk I've ever heard of has been really good looking and nice. Any how, it's a really cool and unique name, and I would definitely use it!
My dad's name is Kirk. It's an unusual sounding name, but not crazy and weird, which makes it memorable.
I really don't like this "name". It sounds so ugly and harsh. And in Scottish dialect, it's just the everyday word for church. "Ye go to Kirk much?" is "do you go to church often?" in Doric dialect. (I'm not Scottish, but where I live people speak in a similar dialect, so I can understand a'that :P).
No offense, but the name sounds very old-fashioned, and the sound isn't very pleasant either.
Even though the meaning is nice, I still wouldn't name a kid that.
Although I don't like the sound, the meaning is nice!
To the person who said it was ugly, what are your reasons for stating that it's ugly? I think it's a sexy name.
By the way, the reason I said it was ugly mainly because of the IRK sound. But, that's just me!
If this isn't one of my favorite names, then this IS my favorite boys' name. It makes a kick @$$ first or middle name!
One of my favorites. Most Kirks I've met are cute and quirky (try saying that 10 times fast), and I'd definitely consider naming my child Kirk.
This is my brother's name. It's simple and still somewhat unique. I like it.

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