My name is Kiri. I have been told many things about where my name is from. I live in the UK and have been told that it means something about a drowning girl. Then someting about cutting and also I had a Greek man say it was his name and it is a Greek name. I have been told many times it's from New Zealand so that's what I will beleve.
My parents are first-generation immigrants from Japan, and they gave me the name Kirie after hearing a reference to Kyrie Eleison in a movie.The kanji they intended for my name were Kiri (‹Ë) and e (ŠG). Kiri is the Japanese name for the paulownia tree, which has an important place in Japanese culture and is occasionally referred to as the 'princess tree', while e means "painting, portrait, picture".Some other meanings for Kiri include: Kiri: –¶ = mist, fogki: ‹C = air, atmosphere, mind, heart ¶ = life –Ø = tree ‹L = write, inscribe, record Šú = an era Šó = rare, uncommon, hoperi: —¢ = village, the home of one's parents — = reason, principle, justice, truth —£ = leave, stray ˜Ü = wise, intelligent –‰ = a mile.
― Anonymous User 2/7/2008
I had a friend named Kiri, who told me it meant "rainbow" in Maori (native New Zealand). But a Maori dictionary says it actually means "skin". I still think it's a very pretty name.