Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Very nice name. It sounds sophisticated, even if it is kind of short. I might use it for a character. :]
My name is Kiran and quite frankly, I think it is an amazing name. Technically it can be a girl and boy's name, but I am a girl and I think it is a great name for a girl. It is an incredible name, and also very unique. I hope more people call their daughter's Kiran because it is a beautiful name.
I think it's worth stating it as an alternate spelling of 'Kieran', the male name. Being so much more used to that name, it's hard to imagine it as a female name, but maybe they're pronounced differently.
I have a friend named Kiran, but people (mainly teachers) have been calling her Karen for so long (misreading it as Karin), she jut has everyone outside of her family call her Karen. Personally, I think she should appreciate her name more, because it is beautiful.
It's my second name, and definitely (also) an Indian boys name. I don't really like it, honestly.
I think this name is an absolutely unique and special name. It's a female's name, sorry men. ;)

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