Chrysanthemums are a symbol of longevity in Japan. Kiku was a very popular girls name in the Edo period.
― Anonymous User 9/6/2019
Another extension of Kiku is Kigiku, meaning "Yellow Chrysanthemum", which alludes to the Imperial Family crest.It is not traditionally used as a name in Japan, but Kigiku pops up now and then as a character name in manga/anime etc.
Usually followed by "ko" or "mi" (Kikuko or Kikumi usually the latter, I think). I've met 1 Kikumi. Not so common now.If one doesn't use the "kiku" (Chrysanthemum) kanji, one can replace it with one's choice of one other kanji for "ki" and one other kanji for "ku".Kanji possibilities for "ki": -joy -honour/respect/worship -turtle -writingsKanji for "ku": -foreverKanji for "ko"" -childKanji for "mi": -beautiful -fruit