Comments (Personal Impression Only)

In a place where the muppet isn't as widely heard of, this name would be fine, but in North America, you would be better off going with Kurt, Dermot or Herman.
I like it, so it's unfortunate that a kid might get teased with the associations of Kermit the Frog.
Way too associated with Kermit the Frog, a kid with this name will get teased.
I used to think of Kermit as a nice name, not my favourite, but still likeable. Outside of the United States, most people don't have strong associations with the "Muppets" and those who do would probably look fondly upon this name if they liked the character. However, the name has been forever ruined for me personally by Kermit Gosnell, the American abortionist who violently murdered newborn babies, forced his patients to take overdoses of drugs, denied medical care to patients, forcefully performed abortions on teen girls who didn't want them and murdered at least one patient ( Just thinking of this name brings to mind this disgusting monster. I would strongly advise against using it on a child, at least in the Western world where this case is fairly well known. In a decade or two, maybe it will be usable again. I do think possible nicknames like "Ermi" or "Mitty" would be cute on children or pets.
Heavenly, handsome and royal-like! LOVEEEEE!
Ribbit! Ribbit! (My frog noises). Possible GP middle name?
My 2 year old son's name, he is super bouncy and could jump when he was 1 month old but couldn’t walk. We bought him lots of leap frog toys.
Lol, like Kermit the Frog? Nope, a kid with this name will get teased.
Nope, nope, NOOOPE! If I had a child and named him Kermit, the poor kid would feel ashamed! The kids would think he comes from a SWAMP or something, and spread rumors that he wears FROG PERFUME. Poor kid, I'd rather name him something like John.
Kermit the hermit.
The Muppets ruined this name! What a shame!
Who would ever name their child Kermit?
I guess getting stuck with the moniker of Kermit could be quite embarrassing, so I understand the sympathy aspect. It could be worse though, you could have been named Gonzo. Now there was a guy with a really crooked nose.
I love Kermit the Frog, but his name is associated with him to the point that it is no longer usable.
I work with a young man named Kermit. He's a really nice, polite, handsome man. I feel bad for him though because I'm sure he was teased about the "Kermit the Frog" thing mercilessly in school.
I hope no one is considering this name because it sounds ''cute'' to them. The frog associations will hardly be shaken any time soon.
I don't really like this name, it reminds me of a hermit crab.
I love this name. It's so strong and interesting. If it weren't for that frog, Kermit would be near the top of my list. As it is, naming a child this would just be cruel.
I think this is a cool name, but I wouldn't name my kid this, but it's still an awesome name!

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