Comments (Pronunciation Only)

This name is pronounced as "KEE-lee/KEETH-lee", and this name is more commonly used as a unisex name. I really like it, it sounds strong.
Having been born, and then lived in the town for over 70 years I pronounce it Keith-lee as does every other citizen in town, but that is how the name of the town is pronounced. People that have it as a personal name can obviously pronounce it as they choose.
I live about 25 miles from Keighley, which is a town in West Yorkshire, and the correct pronunciation is KEETH-lee. People using it as a variant of Kaylee or Keeley, I'm afraid you're incorrect.
My name is Keighley but pronounced "KEY-LEE".
Pronounced KEITH-lee, KEITH-lay.
There is a town in Yorkshire called Keighley, pronounced "KEETH-lee". As a name though, it's generally "KEE-lee" or less often, "KAY-lee".
Keighley is pronounced Keeley, not Kaylee.

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