Comments (Pronunciation Only)

By the way it's spelled, I'd pronounce it as /‘kaet.tin/ (KAT-lin) and not /*kert.lin/ (KAYT-lin).
It’s not trendy, and it’s definitely not a spelling due to lack of education. My parents are both medical doctors and named me Katlyn. It’s a traditional Irish spelling, which is part of my ancestry. I like the spelling of my name. It puts a unique, Irish spin on a name that became overly used shortly after I was born in 92. Ps this Katlyn just graduated law school so I have, in fact, graduated first grade.
This name is pronounced KAYT-lin. [noted -ed]
Obviously no one has passed the 1st grade because there is NO "e" in the spelling! If you are smart and are pronouncing it correctly its Kat-Lynn.
The name Katlyn is an old name originating from Ireland, and is pronounced KAte-lyn.
Ok. First off it is pronounced like KATE-lyn, and second of all, people have an easier time spelling this than my nickname, Katy.
This name is pronounced KAT-lin. KAT is like "cat" not "Cate".

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