Also used in Spanish, but it's considered a variant of Carina (1).There are 2.813 bearers of this name in Spain (source: Instituto Nacional de Estadística).However, this name is much more common in Latin America, especially in Mexico ( [noted -ed]
Karina is also Czech, Hungarian, and Lithuanian. The name day for Karina in the Czech Republic is January 2. The name day for Karina in Hungary is March 24. The name day for Karina in Lithuania is November 7.
My name is Karina and when I was little I always hated it just for the reason that people would take it upon themselves and add a "T" in the middle of Karina and call me Hurricane Katrina.. It sucked but I got over it. I also never liked my name because it was always brash and hard with the K. Now that I'm older I truly do enjoy my name now, I still think the K is brash, but that is only when my name is said in English. In English Karina is pronounce KAH-REE-NAH but in Spanish is comes off the tongue much smoother. In Spanish it is pronounced CAH-RRE-NAH. (it's hard showing how to pronounce in Spanish, lol) (the double "R" in the Spanish pronunciation was intended to show the rolling of the R)