In Armenian, the name “KAR” is masculine. Kar HAYKAZUNI, 1289-1285 Before Common Era, King of Armenia (in the Hittite accounts is mentioned as Karanni, 14th century B.C.E.).In Armenian, the name “KAREN” is masculine and its origin has two roots. --- The first root: the masculine given Armenian name “Karen” is formed from “Kar”, which is the given name of King of Armenia - Kar HAYKAZUNI (1289-1285 Before Common Era). [*Haykazuni dynasty (2492 / 2107 - 331 Before Common Era) - (Haykazian, Haykides) - The first dynasty of Patriarchs, Lords and Kings of Armenia.]--- The second root: in Armenian, the origin of masculine name “Karen” lies in Parthian/Persian name “Karen”.In Armenia the masculine given name “Karen” is associated with “Elephant” (wise and battle/fighting elephant) or “Commander/Military leader” [adalid/caudillo (Spanish) – heerführer/ feldherr (German) – général/stratège (French) – condottiero/stratega (Italian)]. (Eastern Armenian pronunciation: “Garen”)In Armenia the masculine given name “Karekin” is associated with “The Fire of Holy/Sacred Knowledge”. (Eastern Armenian pronunciation:“Garegin”)