Whether spelled Kara or Cara, I like the pronunciation of “car-uh” better. I wish there was some agreement on pronunciation between the two spellings like one could be “care-uh” and the other “car-uh”, but that is sadly not the case. When I think of Kara I think of supergirl, Kar-uh.
― Anonymous User 9/9/2021
My daughter's name is Karra pronounced Car-Ruh not Care-Ruh. I happen to think it's the most beautiful name in the world. Her father's name was Jorel after Superman's father so we named her after Kara Zor-el after Supergirl (my son's name is Kahlel pronounced exactly like it's spelled Kah-lel which is Superman's birth name) There's also the Kara Sea in Russia pronounced exactly like my daughter's name. I can't stand it when people call her care-uh. I've never met another Karra with the same pronunciation although I know there are people out there with that pronunciation. Definitely never seen it spelled the same.
Yes, those maybe partially true Rhubarb and platinumchique but it's actually pronounced like this karr-uh in Israeli though if you were to say Kara zor el it would be like this karr-uh zor-el all together even on Facebook it would be just like what I typed just now. Know that Kara zor el is one of my many nicknames too, so I know the correct pronunciation myself more then anybody though maybe not with the c in front as Cara at all, but I do know it with the K in front of Kara myself all too well.