That is so crazy because I’m also a Kara born in July of 1994! Wow! I’ve always heard that it means dear beloved, friend, pure one, empty handed, stormy one, curly one, stone, wing. In the Bible it means “to call” or “to proclaim”.
My name is Kara Celine (pronounced care-uh) born in July 1994. I've only met a handful of other Kara's, and I get pretty excited when I meet another girl with my name! Especially when it's pronounced and spelled the same! I live in the PNW and the name isn't very common here. But not nearly as uncommon as my mom (Arlana) or sister's (Laurel) names. Some of the definitions I've heard or found... Irish - Sweet melody Greek - One who is pure Italian - Precious one, beloved one, Cherished One Afrikaans - Sweet love Japanese - Empty (Hand or Orchestra) Spanish - Expensive Cornish - Love Turkish - Black, Land Hindi - Graceful, Darling Russian - Little Dear One Veps - Bay, Inlet Rapa Nui - Wing Nias - Stone Ido - Dear Wanyi - Country, Stone culture references:Kara's Flowers - Adam Levine's original band name before they changed it to Maroon 5Kara Thrace aka Starbuck, main character on TV's "Battlestar Galactica" Kara Danvers aka Kara Zor-El aka Supergirl, Superman's cousin.
Kara: Norse goddess, a Valkyrie. Meaning either "the wild, stormy one" (based on Old Norse afkárr, meaning "wild") or "curl" or "the curly one"[21]A Valkyrie, she helped her mortal lover Helgi in battle by hovering over him and charming his enemies with song. During one such battle, Kara was accidentally killed by Helgi. [noted -ed]
Name - Kara ( कारा ) ● MEANING - confinement, prison, binding, a part of lute below the neck (for deadening the sound), a female messenger, female worker in gold ● Origin - Sanskrit, Indian ● Pronunciation - kaaraa ■ Native script - कारा.
Kara is a Sephardic (Jews of Spain and Portugal) family name often spelled Caro/Karo/Cara/Kara sometimes changed to Carr or Karr. It literally means "to call","to proclaim", or in this case "to read" and is in reference reading the text of the Torah (Hebrew bible). Therefore, it gained the meaning as a family name of "Scholar" or "religious scholar" or "teacher" as it was more or less the description of a vocation. The Knesset (Israeli parliament) has an MK named Ayoob Kara, and while it is a rare family name in Israel, many of those with the name trace their lineage back to Rabbi Yosef Caro (1488-1575).
Kara is Norse for "song of the swan" or "swan maiden". Kara was one of the Valkyries who took fallen battle heroes to their reward in Valhalla. The phrase "swan song" used to describe someone's last hurrah comes from this. This name is also spelled Cara.
My name Kara and im Irish. The correct Irish spelling is Cara and it means "friend or beloved one". I`ve never met another Kara so it's relatively unusual in Ireland.