Comments (Personal Impression Only)

To me, this name looks like a variant of Callie rather than Kayley.
Not as bad and immature as Kaylee, I’ll give it that.
I really want to pronounce this name as KALE-ee.
The spelling looks incomplete to me.
I already liked the sound of Kaley, but this is definitely my favorite spelling. It's not as "cutesy" as some of the other variants, for example Kaylee and Kaylie. Also, Kaley looks like it is its own name, independent of Kay or Lee. I really like it.
This is a cute name for a little girl though I don't know if it ages well. I like the spelling Kaley more than the other ones.
I love this name. No, not just because it's my name. But yeah. I've always liked it. It looks good on paper, and it just seems pretty to me.
I'm Kaley. I've noticed over the past few years there have been a whole lot of kids with a variant of my name. There have been SO many Kaylees! And there is a girl in the sixth grade named Kaley, and we share a name and gym class. When the gym teacher says "Kaley" we both look. And when our friends say it.
I think this is a very beautiful name. It sounds very sweet and cute. A lot of these sort of names do sound quite similar though and there are a great deal of different spellings out there for these C and K sort of names. It can sometimes be easy to spell them incorrectly as they are often pronounced differently to the way they are written. My favourite alternative to Kaley for a boy is Kaylen; which is another one which can be spelled various ways.

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