Planet names are so tacky and immature they sound so pathetic, dumb, and just silly. The only planet name that isn’t bad is Venus the rest are all dumb.
I actually like this, it sounds cool. It sounds a little like a name for just a character, but also what's wrong with being a main character in real life? Also, idk why people are saying it's unisex, it's a god's name. It's always been masculine, and it sounds masculine. Juniper would be a similar name for a girl.
A wonderful name, might be my favorite planet name (as well as my favorite planet)! Call me crazy, but I honestly think it's unisex. For some reason, I find this name fits well for boys and girls.
I love mythological names. This one could be a good middle name, but I named my cat Jupiter. I didn't realize, until I had to speak the name all the time aloud, that it's not a name that rolls from the tongue. It sounds nice, but it's actually awkward to say frequently, and yes, it does make me think of "stupider." More often, I end up calling my cat "Juju." So, when he's bad, he's "bad Juju!"
― Anonymous User 2/23/2021
Totally cool, but best as a middle name I guess. I think it's unisex.
I am writing a screenplay and named the heroine Jupiter, not realizing it was masculine. Then I realized I could get away with it if I made her nickname June.
I'd think the name Jupiter, would fit a little girl. Even though, Jupiter was a god and not a goddess. In the future I'd probably name my daughter Jupiter.
"Boys go to Jupiter to get more stupider..." Yeah. I think most of us remember that little playground rhyme/hand game growing up. I don't know if it's still common among kids today, but just in case, you ought to avoid this name and save your kid some teasing.
I have an idea for a nickname---Jove, as the god Jupiter was sometimes called. It sounds sort of normal, like Joe or Job or Joel. Zeus, however, I think is far too out there, even more than Jupiter.
― Anonymous User 4/9/2007
Come on, what are you going to call your son in public?
― Anonymous User 9/21/2006
Jupiter is a lovely handsome name which I would definitely consider using for a child! My trombone's name is Jasper Jupiter, though my favorite combo is Seamus Jupiter.
― Anonymous User 8/20/2006
I'd rather name my child Jove.
― Anonymous User 5/11/2006
Something I wouldn't name my child. It has a nice ring to it but not for a person though, more like something I'd name a pet.
― Anonymous User 5/7/2006
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