Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Sounds cool. I would love to name a cat or a dog like that.
Planet names are so tacky and immature they sound so pathetic, dumb, and just silly. The only planet name that isn’t bad is Venus the rest are all dumb.
I actually like this, it sounds cool. It sounds a little like a name for just a character, but also what's wrong with being a main character in real life? Also, idk why people are saying it's unisex, it's a god's name. It's always been masculine, and it sounds masculine. Juniper would be a similar name for a girl.
I think Jupiter is a cool, unique name.
Yeah this is not a good name. It’s much better as a planet name.
I think it's cool. I know a non-binary person with Jupiter as their chosen name, so I think it's unisex.
A wonderful name, might be my favorite planet name (as well as my favorite planet)! Call me crazy, but I honestly think it's unisex. For some reason, I find this name fits well for boys and girls.
It's perfect for a pet - imagine a calico cat named Jupiter! So cute! I'll use this name when I get a new pet soon.
Cool name!
Very interesting meaning and it sounds nice. I wouldn’t use it though.
Cool name!
I love mythological names. This one could be a good middle name, but I named my cat Jupiter. I didn't realize, until I had to speak the name all the time aloud, that it's not a name that rolls from the tongue. It sounds nice, but it's actually awkward to say frequently, and yes, it does make me think of "stupider." More often, I end up calling my cat "Juju." So, when he's bad, he's "bad Juju!"
Totally cool, but best as a middle name I guess. I think it's unisex.
Jupiter is great for a character, but not on a child. I'd opt for Juno instead.
It’s one of the nicer planet names but it’s not nice as a name, but it’s okay, I’d rate it 4/10.
It sounds cool in theory, but I wouldn't name a real person Jupiter.
I am writing a screenplay and named the heroine Jupiter, not realizing it was masculine. Then I realized I could get away with it if I made her nickname June.
I can't take this name seriously, what's next? Sun?
Using planets as names is a no.
I'd think the name Jupiter, would fit a little girl. Even though, Jupiter was a god and not a goddess. In the future I'd probably name my daughter Jupiter.
"Boys go to Jupiter to get more stupider..." Yeah. I think most of us remember that little playground rhyme/hand game growing up. I don't know if it's still common among kids today, but just in case, you ought to avoid this name and save your kid some teasing.
Planet names do not work well on people. This is second only to Uranus in the amount of teasing someone with the name will get.
Rhymes with "stupider" and it just sounds bad. I don't think anyone's actually going to use this name. Save it for the planet.
What a nice name for a baby/child. Jupiter Marcus flows so well. *JK*
I have an idea for a nickname---Jove, as the god Jupiter was sometimes called. It sounds sort of normal, like Joe or Job or Joel. Zeus, however, I think is far too out there, even more than Jupiter.
Come on, what are you going to call your son in public?
Jupiter is a lovely handsome name which I would definitely consider using for a child! My trombone's name is Jasper Jupiter, though my favorite combo is Seamus Jupiter.
I'd rather name my child Jove.
Something I wouldn't name my child. It has a nice ring to it but not for a person though, more like something I'd name a pet.

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