My name is Juniper. It always seems that older people are obsessed with my name, which is probably why I got it in the first place, but growing up, people my age always made fun of the name. I'd get teased for it quite a bit, which made me start to hate it. I wished that I had a less abnormal name. I cringed every time the teacher would take attendance and would have to say it in front of the class. I tried to go by June, which most of my family and friends would go along with it, but my classmates and teachers seemed to only call me my real name which I'd get very uncomfortable with overtime. Honestly, don't name your kid this please...
― Anonymous User 2/23/2025
I love the name I think it's pretty and really will use the name for a daughter if I have one.
I have to be honest, this really seems more like a name for sheep than people. But it’s become quite popular, so clearly other people are seeing something I am not!
I think this will be the Jennifer of the 2020s.I hear it all of the time, everywhere. It's a message board favorite too and it went up over 20 places and is close to entering the top 100. It will be a top 20 name in a few years.
I feel like a Juniper would be an odd little girl who bit her peers.
― Anonymous User 12/14/2022
Sounds very masculine too me, I don't mind that it's getting popular (even tho I have a feeling that a lot of parents who named their daughters this in the last couple of years must be upset that they no longer have super unique names), but I'd prefer to see it get popular among boys rather than girls.I think names that end in "er"/"ar" just sound very masculine, but I'm not a native English speaker - the only exceptions would be Esther, Jennifer, Amber, Dagmar, Inger, Tamar, Hadar, Pilar, Eimear (but that's just because I'm accustomed to those, I still don't particularly like them), names like Heather, Summer, Harper, Piper, Parker, Sawyer, Winter, Palmer, Carter, Denver, Hunter, Clover, Skylar, Briar, and so on. But to each their own.
― Anonymous User 8/25/2022, edited 8/25/2022
Juniper is a name that I’ve always liked. I’m glad that it’s getting a bit more recognition now. I do hope that it doesn’t become overused, though. That would kind of ruin its unique charm, in my opinion.
This name is very interesting. Juniper sounds very calm and nature-like to me. It kind of reminds me of space, maybe because it sounds similar to Jupiter. This is a nice rare name for a girl.
It is already very popular and rising. By no means is it still a quirky niche name.
― Anonymous User 6/29/2021
I love this name. It's like those hippie names of the past, like River, Sage, or Raine. I love nature names. I'm most inspired by the YA novel Juniper by Monica Furlong. She was a good witch who had black hair and tan skin. There's the witchy trend, but I think it's been dying off by now. Juniper berries are a dark purple-blue, and they're pretty, too.
I personally don't really get this name. It sounds like someone is saying Jennifer with a congested nose. The plant isn't attractive either.I agree with the person who wrote that this is going to be the Jennifer of the future. It's rising like crazy and I don't think it will be popular with just Gen Z parents, most millennials are still going to have their children in the future (the age group goes until 1996 by most definitions) and they are using it/will be using it like crazy as well.
― Anonymous User 3/26/2021
Wouldn't be surprised if this overtook Olivia or Emma because of upcoming Gen Z parents. Suddenly, if this name does go trending worldwide, there won't be 1 Juniper but probably 6 in class because of how overused it'll be. Heck, it's having its headstart in the US which then will probably inspire other countries (same thing goes for Willow). Overall, It's a meh-dislike relationship between me and this name.
― Anonymous User 3/19/2021
This is Jennifer for Gen Z. It's also so boring, weird, outlandish, and overall wrong for a name. It's very puny. I just don't like it at all, and can't understand the June-ih-pur craze.
I love, love, LOVE this name! Prettier than Jupiter by far, and with an opportunity for cute nicknames such as June or Juni/Junie. Also, being named after Juniper berries is prettier than being named after a lifeless planet.
I think this name is cute. I think it has potential to be elegant on an adult woman but it'd be quite a name to live up to, easier to imagine on a kid or older lady. I just named my kitten Juniper after deciding I wouldn't be naming a new human Juniper.
― Anonymous User 1/2/2021
Looks like Jupiter made up into a more namely thing. I don’t like it much.
I am a Juniper. I love the name because my parents have these knives with wooden Juniper handles and they smell nice. I also have a VERY unique name, and Juniper is very rare.
I never used to think about this name. At all. I didn't really gravitate toward "nature" names (other than perhaps Willow) before. But then I ended up playing a character named Juniper in a play. I didn't say my own (character's) name at all, but hearing my scene partners call me it made me think, "Wow... you know, this is actually a really cool name."It has a fairly unique sound (how many names end in -per?) and is uncommon - I've never met a Juniper in real life, though I've met one or two women named June. And given June's past popularity, in the Top 50 of the USA about 100 years ago, I'm surprised Juniper isn't more popular!
I really love this name. It sounds so melodious, feminine, elegant and complete. I don't think it's too unusual nowadays and also I don't think there is not a high risk of confusion between JuNIPer and JuPITer.
I just realized today why I find this name comical... It reminds me of the Juniper berries scene in the Life of Brian.
― Anonymous User 5/13/2019
This name is very pretty. It's a shame I have never met anyone with this name but all the more reason to use it! There are so many wonderful nicknames that can be spun off of this and it sounds good standing alone as well. My extent of this name is from when I played nintendogs I bought a golden retriever and named her Juniper. Wow just saying Juniper in my head makes me feel light and happy.
Who thinks this name is BAD!? When I play games I always name my character Juniper. Sure there are a few WEIRDOS who think this is a bad name! It's beautiful, amazing, and cool. (Don't you dare hate this name.)
Actually I love the name Juniper, my fiance and I were looking for baby names for a boy or a girl since we still haven't found out the gender of our first child. He picked Juniper for a little girl's name, and I think it's a beautiful name. So if we have a girl her name will be Juniper.
Juniper has really grown on me over the past few years. It started with hearing it in a show called RWBY. There was a team called JNPR (pronounced Juniper), that I particularly loved. But I also love the biblical connotations, and how Juniper berries are used locally in Indigenous medicine. It’s probably in my top 5 names for girls, so maybe one day I’ll use it for a daughter. It’s likely her nickname would be “June”, as it’s another favourite.
Cute as can be! This name is so sweet, rare, and gorgeous! Naming one of my girls this for sure.
― Anonymous User 6/10/2017
My name is Juniper and I love it. It is very unique and I feel sorry for the people who think it is a hippy name or whatever. I have many nicknames that my family and friends call me, and although people do mix my name up with Jupiter or Jennifer, I don't care as it's like a big joke I have with my friends.
To be honest I don't find this to be a particularly pretty name. It works for a girl or woman, but I just don't find it that pleasant to the ear. Maybe it's the "nip" sound in the middle that I don't like. I don't know; I just prefer June or Juno.
I don't like gin, which is what Juniper berries are made into (maybe other things but I don't know) so that put me off initially. But my mom liked gin, and since she passed away I find myself liking more things she did. And gin isn't so bad with tonic! I went through some family history and found the name June. I am born in June, as was my grandma. It is a nice name with variations like Juno, Juna and the cute nickname Junebug! I have found myself liking Juniper as a name, and I like June, and the latter part of the name is niper (nipper), which only reminds me of Dennis the Menace's dog, and that cute pet Leela has in Futurama, that eats everything! I think it's called Nibbler. And as someone else commented about Jupiter, I've just watched the sci fi film Jupiter Ascending, and I can totally see this as a name too. Though the nickname Jupe reminds me of aftershave. I am definitely considering Juniper for our next girl. It's got a decent history of use, and the very respectable name June, makes it possible in any setting. June is supposedly the luckiest month to get married, and consequently also the quickest to book up!
― Anonymous User 11/22/2015
Hi there Juniper! I had to comment once I saw the line where you stated: "If I had a cat, I'd name him Juniper," Well, I have a cat (4 cats to be honest and I love them all so much!) and his name is JooniPurr! I was so awed and felt the immediate need to share with you that I like the name so much it was picked for him before he even came to live with us (I knew about him the day after he was born and he came home to us six weeks after❤) My Jooni is a pampered, very spoiled Mama's cat! I think he realizes how regal and refined the name JooniPurr makes him feel and he so lives it! He's as pretty as and smells as good as Juniper flowers and he's my babykins, I hope my sharing that I actually do have a now five and a half year old cat named JooniPurr puts a smile on your face, the spelling may be different, but the effect is the same, my Jooni Mooni Moon Man JooniPurr is special for a bunch of reasons, but I feel his name is unique in the cat world especially given that he's male, but I knew it before as I mentioned and JooniPurr is perfect! Enjoy your name and I hope one day you actually do get a cat and name him after yourself! Take care, be well and be blessed -- MarZi PS If there was a way to show you my Jooni I would, but I don't see that option.
My name is Juniper and I am writing here to say all the awesome nicknames I am given : June Buggie, Juni, June, Horsey ( my fave animals), berry and Jupiter. I love this name because it is really original, has a good ring to it, I like that it means life, and if I could choose another word for this meaning it would be quirky.
I used to love this name for its off-beat, quirky nature, but now I hear it so often on the Opinions board that I have lost interest. It's become dull and everyday, and I never thought that would happen. Oh, well.
― Anonymous User 5/26/2012
I like Juniper. I don't know why. It just has a certain ring to it. I don't think it would be an easy name to use right now. Maybe in 10-15 years. I feel that people are moving farther away from conventional names and more toward rare and/or abstract names.
It sounds different, but not crazy different. If I had a cat I would name it Juniper. However, I don't disagree with naming a baby Juniper because I don't think it's as bad as some may think. That would be neat if someone did name their baby Juniper.
I dislike it. It sounds too nature-y, like the name of a hippie. It's not as bad as other tree names, like Willow or Myrtle, but it's still very heavy sounding. Why not go for the much prettier Ginevra, which means "Juniper"?
Honestly, I don't understand this love for names like Juniper. I think it's one of the worst names out there and I cringe for the poor little girls who are named this and have to go to school with peer who WILL tease them. I'm not saying parents have to choose common or trendy names, but seriously, Juniper? How about Jupiter? Is that a name too?
― Anonymous User 7/13/2011
I, personally, LOVE this name! It sounds spunky and fiesty yet sweet at the same time. And for all of those who hate this name, well, at least it's better than the similar way too common and bland name Jennifer.
Juniper = Jew-NipperYou must be real gutsy to name a child that. Funny? Humorous? Pretty? I think not.
― Anonymous User 4/1/2011
You'd have to be a bit of a nut to think that. Is English your second language? I only ask because if you were to say Juniper properly, "jew nipper" wouldn't come into it.Also, is there something wrong with Jewish people?
― Anonymous User 4/23/2011
No, Anonymous Poster-- English is my first language, I assure you. "Cyril" has basically the same veins in it which would make me think "Cereal." June-ipper... Jun-ipper... Jewn-ipper... Jew-nipper. Does that make sense, slightly?And as far as your comment goes for me "thinking that there is something wrong with Jews"... please do not say such a thing. I adore my Jewish friends, and the culture, too much to be so spiteful (over any ethnicity). I was simply pointing out the "Jew-Nipper" aspect, meaning that people may hear it that way. "Nipper" not equaling anything good, of course.
― Anonymous User 4/27/2011
Juniper is very pretty. It sounds mystic and it reminds me of some kind of mint for some reason.
Sounds like a rainbow-snorting hippie name to me. Some parents sure don't want to live down the good-ol'-dayz. Juniper basically ranks up with the names Moonshine, Spring, Moon-Unit, Cucumber, Peach, Daffodil, Sparkle, Skye, Piper, Lyric, Meadow, Breeze, Thyme, Robin, Flint, Bracken, Storm, Starlight, Moonbeam, Blossom, Fern, Canyon, Windsong, Harper... the lists of gut-wrenching names goes on.I have heard of two people in real life with Juniper as a name. Juniper Sunshine and Bailey Juniper. Yuck. I do not get the nature trend that has seemingly swept the nation.
― Anonymous User 12/10/2010
St Juniper would probably engage you in some comedic standoff for suggesting he was a hippie, anonymous.
― Anonymous User 4/23/2011
Names that originate in nature are not merely "hippie" names, and are just as legitimate as any name in the bible. I imagine, especially as a follower of a Nature based religion myself, nature-based names are given to children for the same reason a Catholic parent might name their children after a Saint, which might be respect.
I'm not completely sure about my feelings on this name. In some ways, it's pretty enough, but it also has a slightly harsh sound to it. I'm not sure why. Perhaps it's because of a book I once read "The Juniper Game" where the title character had a rather hard exterior. However, I think this name would make a nicer middle name than a first name. I especially like it paired with the name "Cori."
Nice enough but I would expect a mother of a Juniper to be crunchy in the extreme. ;)
― Anonymous User 11/24/2008
I can't quite put my finger on it, but I find Juniper an attractive name.
― Anonymous User 10/31/2008
This name personally reminds me of a woman who's out of touch with reality, and more concerned with looking pretty than being intelligent or knowledgeable about anything. It even sounds horrid, but this is just my personal impression.
Juniper is a beautiful name, I first saw it in a comic long ago, and fell in love with it immediately. If I ever had a daughter, I would definitely consider this.
Juniper seems like a very sprightly name that's well-suited for a young child. With a nickname like June or Junie, I think Juniper can be an equally appropriate name into adulthood.
Juniper is quirky without being over the top. Beats snotty Genevieve and the very weighty Guinevere.
― Anonymous User 6/13/2008
My name's Juniper! And as a nice sort of pun my really, really close friends and family call me June and I'm born June 13th. :D I rather like the name compared to more common ones.
― Anonymous User 6/9/2008
This is such a pretty name, and it is a source of fairly nice nicknames as well. The name makes me picture a friendly, young, pretty girl who likes music, art, and nature, and doesn't bother much with fashion or make-up. However, the name is not too youthful. I'd love to use it as a middle name to Phaedra. Of course, if this becomes popular, the name will be horribly trivialized.
I find "bland" a very odd description. It's anything but. "Bland" would be a fitting description for the similar sounding Jennifer. I would like to use Juniper as either a first name or middle name for another girl."The given name is either in reference to the English common name for the Juniper tree or berry, or in reference to a derivation of the Welsh name Guinevere. Juniper has historically been used as both a boys and girls name. Juniper has never been on the top 1000 list of given names in the United States, but is an increasingly popular girls name likely due to the popularity of a wide assortment of well-known fictional works, including the cartoon series The Adventures of Juniper Lee, the movie Benny and Joon (where the Joon character was short for Juniper), and the novel Juniper, Gentian and Rosemary.The Juniper tree's name is derived from the Latin word juniperus. In Latin, juniperus is combination of the word junio, which means young, and parere, to produce, hence youth producing, or evergreen.[1] The names Genefer, Jenefer and Jinifer (all old English variants for Juniper), [2] Geneva (French variant of genevrier), Geneviève (French variant), [3] Ginepro (Italian for Juniper), Ginevra (Italian variant form of Juniper), and Ginny are other names that also refer to the Juniper tree.The Welsh name Guinevere is a variant spelling of Gwenhwyfar, which in Welsh is a combination of the word "gwen," which means white or fair and "hwyfar" which means a spirit or fairy. This is also the same origin for a name that is similar sounding to Juniper: Jennifer.Because the Latin Juniperus family of names are the same or very similar sounding to the Welsh Guinevere family of names, it is very difficult to determine, for names that begin with gin-, jen-, or jun-, which family they ultimately originated with."Juniper also reminds me of the gorgeous da Vinci portrait of Ginevra de' Benci.The Juniper tree was also a symbol of female virtue.
― Anonymous User 4/6/2008
Many cute nicknames, "June", "Joon", "Junebug", "Juno".
― Anonymous User 3/29/2008
I wouldn't name a child this. Imagine all the people who would call her "Jupiter" by accident. It doesn't exactly roll off the tongue, either.
― Anonymous User 10/20/2007
I don't like the name. It's so tacky and bland. It reminds me of a bimbo and I don't like the life and times of Juniper Lee either.
I really like this name and it's very pretty! You should be proud if your name is Juniper! Also, Juniper Breeze is a scent from Bath and Body Works, which is a lotion store. It smells sooo good! Like fresh cotton! ;-)