I don’t understand why people think June should only be used for someone born in June. Everyone in my family believes this but I disagree. I love the month of June (love this time of year in the American South, I think of it as dragonfly month). But you could easily name your daughter June without it having any reference to the month June. June has been a legitimate name for a long time—longer than plenty of made-up names. Just like April, May, and August—legitimate names that no longer need to be associated with the months. Because they’ve been names for a good long while now. Yes, you can’t escape the fact that they’re month names— but they also stand out from the other months as actual names to me. (Unlike October, for example. It’s not commonly used as a name).My grandma’s middle name was June and she was very proud of her name (her first name was Dortha, which isn’t my favorite though). I don’t see why I couldn’t name my daughter June in honor of my grandma— no matter what month her birthday happens to fall in. There are both good and bad celebrities with this name (as is the case with most names). The question is, do the good examples weigh in as much as the bad ones? I think so. Is it a lovely name that is pleasant to speak? Check. I like the name June. It’s a sweet name and it is personally special to me!
― Anonymous User 5/29/2023
Straight up 1950's housewife. A ring chaser. (If you don't know what that is, read Men Don't Love Women Like You.)
― Anonymous User 4/4/2023
I have the first name June. My parents named me after my great - great - great - (a lot of greats) grand-pa who died in a mine shaft. I think his name was Junie tho. Not sure.
June is cute for a dog, maybe a baby girl, but not an adult woman. Junie is adorable for a hamster, a cat, a dog, anything but a human! And people stop naming your sons June, please!
There are plenty of grown women named June, and the name is not at all weird on them. There's nothing particularly cutesy or outlandish about June; June is pleasant but neutral. Just because you're not used to something doesn't make it weird or ridiculous.
Never met anyone with this as a first name. I think most of the months are nice as middle names, not first names. For example, Annie May, Annie June, Annie March. Though I do like August more as as boy's first name.
Sounds friendly and warm! I love and hate the month June. Lovely weather and school holidays but insects and literally being fried alive. Very fun-not!
― Anonymous User 4/15/2021
Sweet. I love it as a middle name, but it's nice as a first name too.
June is my first name, given to me by my dad. I got the name from my great-grandmother. I never liked the name growing up. Since I'm from Norway people would always pronounce it like "juu-neh" and not "joon\". Now I generally go by June instead of my other first name (or is it middle name?) because my other first name is very, very feminine. June feels more neutral to me. The name is important to me, since it was my great-grandmother's name. I don't have much connection to that side of the family (since my grandfather and my great-grandmother moved from Scotland to Norway) so my name feels like that little connection.
― Anonymous User 2/27/2021
Love this name! It's short, strong, elegant, and easy to pronounce all at the same time. I would definitely consider it.
I can understand why people are so divided over this one. I've always had a bad impression of this name thanks to Mama June from Here Comes Honey Boo Boo, but since watching The Handmaid's Tale, where the main character's name is June, I've had a completely different impression of it. Now it reminds me of hope and strength of character, and I actually really love it.
June also makes a wonderful middle name. My daughter's name is Hialeah June. We also have a Samantha June and Amanda June in our extended family. My mother's name is Lucinda June and her mother's name was Belinda June.
― Anonymous User 9/14/2018
June is a pretty name. I know this is the name of Mama Shannon, which could give off a trashy vibe to some, I always think of June Lapine now, aka Shoe0nHead, who is a really good anti-SJW commentator. So yeah, this is a pretty name.
I love the name June. It's really beautiful. My little sister was born in June and my parents could have called her this, only they settled with Julia, which is pretty too. We call my sister Juju or Jujubug or sometimes Junebug or Jay. Junebug could also be a nickname for June. Combinations with June that I like are: • Rosetta June • Elizabeth June • June Princess • Ayesha (Eye-sha) June • June Eleanor.
June is one of my favorite girls names and I also like Juno, I just like J names for girls like Juliet, Jessamine, and June. June is my favorite month name.
― Anonymous User 9/17/2017
I personally think this name works great for any age. It's soft and refreshing among all of the girls named Sophie and Ava.
Love the name June. We named our daughter June Emilia. My husband and I were married in June and my son was born in June so that is why we picked it. We love calling her Junie and Junebug/Bug.
― Anonymous User 11/4/2016
I'm named June Monique, & I love that my name isn't commonly used in the US, though I have a niece who is using it as her middle name. (she's 3 years old). Still pretty rare to hear someone called June in the States. Of course, I was born in the month of June. My nicknames include Junie, Junie Jr., Junebug, JB and Juniper. I also had an aunt by marriage named June Marie.
My middle name is June, and I've always liked it. I was named for my paternal grandmother, whose middle name was also June. I use my first name, but my grandmother always used her middle name because she didn't much care for her first name. Her mother's middle name was May. I guess it made more sense to give me June as a middle name instead of skipping down a month to July, which would probably have been turned into Julie. It would have worked but would not have sounded as smooth, in my opinion. When my friends in college started calling me June Bugz, or Bugz for short, my dad told me my grandmother's friends called her June Bug. I like that.I was never teased for having the name June, perhaps because I always went by my first name. I had more trouble explaining to people that it was not "Jane," which they seemed to automatically hear when I spoke my full name. I was born in April, but one meaning I found for June is "born in the fourth month," because June was at one time the fourth month in the calendar. Interesting, since April is now the fourth month in the calendar, but I think I prefer the meaning "young."
― Anonymous User 7/1/2015
The name "JUNE" was given to me by my father. It was a name already being used in the family by my father's late half sister June Chatfield Philler. I had always in my youth associated my name with "old-vintage" words in mind, not embracing it, top that off with the fact that I was the only person in the whole entire school with that name. It wasn't until high school graduation that I discovered someone else shared the name but as her middle name "Jennifer June March". I love the name today and am proud that it is a family name given to me by my father.
My daughter's middle name is June. She was born in October but it just fits so well with her first name Alyce. And I actually did not name her after the month but as a shortened version of junior. Had she been a boy then she would have been a junior.
I love the name June. It's gorgeous and classy and has great old-fashioned vibes! :) I honestly believe this name is so underused & underappreciated compared to the names April and May. :(
― Anonymous User 11/19/2014
I think this is a great name. I always remember Juno when I read this, so I don't associate it with the month of June. Also, it's so cute and fairy-like! I think it can be a name in its own right, but I like it on the combo Flora June :)
I think this should also be listed as masculine. I had a grandmother named June, but I also had two uncles and a step-grandfather named it, plus an old family friend of ours is an elderly man named June. I did some research and it has always been in use for males, just not as popular as with females.
― Anonymous User 4/1/2013
I love this name! I plan to name one of my characters name June Celeste. I think it has a nice ring to it.
Of all the possible calendar-month names to devise... "June" is certainly the least wincing, by a hair.Even though my love is generally largely reserved for antiqued, old-fashioned names, I cannot bring myself to entirely outwardly accept the usage of this particular name-theme.That being said... I have always been a fan of the television show "Leave It To Beaver." The mother's name is June Cleaver (played by Barbara Billingsley.)
Great, I'm named in honor of the goddess I most hate -.-
― Anonymous User 12/24/2011
My Grandma's name is June, because she was born on the 1st of June. I like the name but it seems kind of old fashioned. My friend is called June-Lily which I like but I think would be better as Lily-June. Though both her grandmas are called June and she was born in June so I guess it fits.
― Anonymous User 10/22/2011
Well, I was born in June, but I don't really think I'd name my daughter this...
I don't feel that the name June should be restricted to those females born in the month. Firstly, to people objecting to Junes 'born in winter' - June IS winter for half of the planet. You may wish to articulate your argument a little better. Secondly, June is a name in its own right. I have had many happy memories take place in June (in both hemispheres!) and love the sound and grace of the name, and would gladly bestow it upon a daughter born anytime, just as I would Rose to a child born even on the darkest day of the year.
June is near the top of my list of favorites. I can't grasp the logic of only giving it to children born in the month of June. People name their daughters Rose because they love roses, Grace because they value that virtue, or Savannah because they love the image that landscape brings to mind. Why shouldn't we use June because we love that time of year?
I really love the name June. It's a little too common for me, but it is the cutest and sweetest name I have ever heard. It is the best month name. I can't say one bad thing about this name.
June is so beautiful, I would use this name for a middle name because I like princess-like names for first names and June is more of a sweet name. It's also one of the names you look at and now will become popular like Aurora, Winter, and the other ones.
I like this name. It ages well and it sounds substantial without being too short. However, I wouldn't use it on my child because it's rather middle-aged. Even worse, it makes me think of June Cleaver from that sexist fifties show Leave it to Beaver.
I love the name June for a first name or middle. It is sweet, yet strong, and beautiful. Without trying too hard. As a first name it is so refreshing among the seas of Avas, Olivias, Madisons, Emmas, and armies of girls named Emily. I do not think you have to be born in June to be named it. I think if anything that makes it a bit cliche and corny.
I like this name. I like the way it looks and the way it sounds, so soft and pleasantly short. And even though you may get teased and called "June Bug," be the best June bug you can because it is a lovely name.
I love this name so much! Whenever I hear it I feel as if it is bursting to life, like it's full of so much sweet energy. And the nickname Junie is darling.
Although I do like this name it's not something I would use as a main name as it has always reminded me of a middle aged woman (my mother-in-law!) I would use it as a middle name though, or Juni. That's cute. My mother-in-law was born on 30th June so she only just made it lol, but people who named their children, born in winter, June, what were you doing? Do you realize how much hassle they will get for that from spiteful children.
― Anonymous User 10/5/2007
I love the name. I don't know why it's not more popular. I prefer it as a middle name.
― Anonymous User 9/11/2007
My impression of June is that it is a very beautiful name.
Just beautiful! I have no words to express how sweet this name sounds to me. And it's a beautiful month, which seems pretty amazing to me. And June Carter - 5 stars!
I have a friend by the name of "Jun". Except that he is a boy. I think it is a good name for a boy. Jun's full name would be "Jun-Hyeok" but no one ever calls him that. (Too hard to pronounce for some.) Some have led to calling him Jun-Hawk for fun!
― Anonymous User 11/19/2006
Like this name, but I won't use it when your child is born in winter.
My name is June, and I've always had the nickname of Junie. I love it!
― Anonymous User 6/4/2006
I once knew a girl named June who was born in August! How absurd. I think it's a sweet name, even if there are lots of middle-aged Junes out there. Junebug is an adorable nickname.