“Na, nana, nananana, nananana, Hey Jude!” Come on, a name that comes with its own song? I love it. It’s short and sweet, and means “praised”, which is adorable. Classic but trendy. Just added this to my PNL.
I love this name! I think it is good for either gender, but I like it better for a boy. For a girl I love June. Also the association with the Darkest Minds makes it even better.
I feel so vindicated after reading these comments. I always knew my name was a legitimate girl name, despite a certain celebrity's influence in recent years. It's a short form of Judith. Although it would be weird for me to meet a boy named Jude, I actually like it on both girls and boys. It's a softer boy name, and the world could use more of those.
I see it as a unisex name, though I prefer it on a boy.
― Anonymous User 3/16/2019
I absolutely adore this name for a girl. For a boy I think it just doesn't work, it would be too dated. (Everyone complains about girls taking boy names but mostly girls just take the dated ones that are going away anyways and turn them into something new).
I'm a female Jude too. I think the people who get worked up about the gender aspect are the moms who want to use this for their sons or have already used it. It's a unisex name and always has been - should have done your research.
― Anonymous User 3/3/2018
Makes me think of a skater kid for some reason.
― Anonymous User 10/7/2016
My real name is Jude, and I'm a boy. My name was actually taken from the famous Beatles song, but it was from during Queen Elizabeth the 2nd's Golden Jubilee. My older brother heard the song, and said to my mum, who was pregnant at the time, that she should name the child Jude, after the song. I don't really like the name, but that's only really because it is my name. If you're going to name your child Jude, be ready to hear stories or people singing "Hey Jude" to them!
― Anonymous User 4/13/2016
Good name for a boy who knows judo... Otherwise, meh...
I think this name works really well for either gender. It's one of those names that has always been unisex (despite a lot of people's personal opinions). There are a lot more well known male Jude's, but there are a lot of women and girls named Jude in the world. I would consider using Jude for a daughter or a son, just an overall great name!
My 12 year old nephew is named Jude. He was bullied relentlessly for having a girl's name and now goes by his middle name instead.
― Anonymous User 1/3/2016
Anyone who says it would be terrible to be named Jude because Judas aka Jude betrayed Jesus has to remeber that that was God's plan in the first place. Before the world was even made. And without the betrayal, he would not be crucified and would not die for our sins. Everything was planned out perfectly so that we would have a way to heavan. And you also have to remember Jude is a book in the Bible. And I also have a brother named Jude Revelation. The last 2 books of the Bible.
― Anonymous User 12/10/2015
My oldest daughter is naming her son Jude Alexander after my son, her brother, Alexander, that we lost to SIDS at 7 weeks old. She came up with Jude by doing one of those "what will your child look like?" type things on fb and it gave the child the name Jude, and it's stuck ever since. I think it's a wonderful name, and I like the relation to "Hey Jude" because I think that's a beautiful song. I can't wait to meet my 1st grandson, Jude Alexander. I saw on here that someone had named their son Alexander Jude.. small world :)
I love the name Jude for a boy. I would consider naming a son Jude.
― Anonymous User 10/23/2015
Jude- patron St of impossible causes. I wanted it for my son's 1st name but thought people would think I was being "cute" and spelling Judy with a new twist.. so I opted for Alexander Jude... he is going to study medicine and perhaps go into oncology where at times you are up against impossible causes. In any case I love it for a boys name... and only as a nickname for a girl for Judith.
I'm surprised to see this listed as a male name. I know two Judes and they're both women aged about 40-50. I don't think it would really suit a boy as it just conjures up images of middle aged women.
My name is Jude and I'm a female. I love how this name transitions seamlessly from one gender to another. Irrespective of its origins, it's perfectly unisex in 2015.
― Anonymous User 1/17/2015
I think the name Jude is handsome, masculine, sexy, hot, strong and perfect! :D.
― Anonymous User 10/11/2014
I plan on using the name Jude for my son. It's really grown on me and I think it's a good strong name that will suit any age.
― Anonymous User 8/4/2014
Most people are saying it would be annoying for people to think you were named after Hey Jude but my mum actually was going to name my older brother after this song, as she loved John Lennon and the song was written by Paul McCartney to John's son. She didn't because my nanna convinced her he would be teased at school and called Judy so she decided on Conor, after Eric Clapton's son. He's 20 now and she still says that her biggest regret in life is not calling him Jude.
I had never thought much about the name Jude, until one day many years ago now, when I happened to see it in the newspaper and it struck me as the perfect name for a (male) character I was writing at the time. It's been one of my favorites ever since.
This is not a girl's name! *facepalm* It can be a girl's NICKNAME (i.e. Judith), but by itself, it's strictly, completely masculine. Using Jude for a girl goes beyond just 'opinion,' it's like naming a girl Benjamin, Jonathan, or Bartholomew. I never see people suggesting those as girl's names. Besides, the girls have enough stolen names already! Madison, Ashley, Aubrey, Avery, Addison, Peyton, Riley, Morgan, etc. I could go on for hours. Point being, stop stealing boy's names! You have enough!
― Anonymous User 7/1/2013
I think it'd be a a lovely name for both a boy and a girl. I honestly don't care about the religious connotations behind the name, being an atheist, myself. Would love to give this name to a daughter, if I ever had one.
Jude is such a sexy name, and at the same time it has class, unlike those bland, trendy names like Jayden or Mason. Oliver Jude is a great combination.
Regarding this name's feminine usage - I cannot be sure where the use of Jude as a woman's name came from, but it is my belief that it would have started as a shortened form of Judith. That said, while I think it sometimes sounds odd to give a girl a name that is almost exclusively male (and vice versa, although I don't see that happening as much), at least in the case of the name Jude, there may actually be some justification for it that goes further than fondness for the name.
I named my daughter Jude (who is now 10 mos old) and I am proud to give her a great name. I am not religious and did not pick names based on those terms. Not feminine enough? Right, I guess it is too strong and vibrant of a name for a mere girl to have, but she is definitely living up to it. And I run into many an independent grandma who agree with my choice. I hope there will be more female Judes in the world soon!
― Anonymous User 1/27/2010
I choose the name Jude for my second son, it is a popular middle name in Ireland (as traditionally a saints name would be given as a middle name) and my cousin was Noel Jude and as soon as I heard it I fell in love with it. I understand that in German Jude is the singular for Jew taken from Juden for the plural, but that is not the meaning of the name as some of you seem to have gotten mixed up. It's a derivative from the Hebrew Judah which means 'Praise'. I can only comment on my own experiences, but to date 7 years after naming him, everyone that I meet that asks what are my children called, Jude always gets the remark of 'oh what a lovely name, I really really like that'. I could never think of calling him anything else. As one of the posters above said, I can confirm that my Jude is outspoken, outgoing and has bags of energy, too much in fact!
I don't like this name because it means "Jew" in German. I can picture an old German man ranting about how "horrible" Jews are, using the word constantly all the while. I also dislike Jude Law.
Let me get this straight: You don't like this name because it's a Germanic rendition of the phrase, "Praise the Lord"? What if it was a Spanish rendition? Or Hawaiian? Is it just the German rendition you don't like? Or is it the inherent Hebrew meaning? Although I will admit that a jam session at any given church/bar mitzvah can get a little loud, and old people, German or otherwise, are liable to get annoyed.I admit, I prefer Judah, because it's a little closer to the original spelling and pronunciation, and I think it sounds nicer than Jude or Judas. But Jude, Judas, Judith and Judah are all the exact same name with the exact same meaning--in Hebrew. Not German, Greek, Latin, English, Cantonese or Vulcan.
I've said this on other name comments sections, but people get too worked up about whether names should belong to boys or girls. Most people seem to think the girls-getting-boys-names thing is a recent development, but it's been happening for MILLENNIA. Romans didn't even HAVE separate names for the sexes, just masculine and feminine versions of the same names. Ancient Egyptians used the same elements for male and female names, so a name like Hatshepsut or Nefertiti could just have easily been used for a boy and Tutankhamen for a girl. Many Native American cultures did the same thing. It's not a "trend", it's a historical practice. And in any case, I don't really see why parents shouldn't be able to give their daughter a beautiful, powerful name that honors someone they respect just because the honored person happens to be a man. I haven't seen anyone denouncing Danielle and Michelle, even though in many languages they're pronounced just like Daniel and Michael. Personally, I love the name Jude for a boy or a girl. It has a good meaning, a musical sound, and a wonderful Biblical character/saint behind it. I would love to use this for my future child, whether son or daughter. Point--people PLEASE get over the "it's-a-boy's-name!" drama!
I love this name for a boy. It has a strong and energetic feel to it. I picture an outgoing and outspoken, intelligent young man when I hear the name Jude. I think it would age well into adulthood. I do not care for it for a girl at all. There is nothing pretty or feminine about the name.
I love the name Jude, and it really annoys me when people just associate it with religion. What if you're not religious and you like the name? (like me) I didn't even know it had anything to do with religious things at all until I searched it just now.
I love the name Jude. It's short and strong, a very good boy's name. Not too mention "Hey Jude" is one of my all time favorite songs and I like Jude Law too. I don't really care that it means Jew in German. I like the Jewish religion and culture so I see it as a positive association. I don't think it should matter what a name means in another language. If it's something very negative than I might consider it but when it comes to Jude, I'm Dutch and not German, so why should I care.
I don't associate this name with the biblical reference, but rather the song. With this in mind, I think Jude is an awesome name! That is, in the English language. I know it can be translated into other languages as stuff you wouldn't want to name your kid!
I absolutely LOVE the name Jude. I think that it is a great boys name, but I would hesitate using it for a girl only because I find it very rugged and masculine. I don't think anyone should hesitate using this name just because it means 'Jew' in German. World War Two is over now, and I believe and hope that racial equality is acknowledged by most everyone.
― Anonymous User 7/8/2008
I think Jude is a very strong, masculine name. I would name my son this.
In my opinion, this name is unisex, but sounds better on a girl. I also read a book about it. It was written by Jacqeuline Wilson, called The Diamond Girls, and Jude was the boyish type of girl. It's a cool name.
I love the name Jude, I think it has a cool sound to it. There is the added bonus of Saint Jude, the patron saint of lost causes. That's why Saint Jude's Children's Hospital is named as such. They are trying to combat cancer and other terminal diseases that seem like lost causes.
It's a pretty nice name for a boy. Although it would be kind of annoying if people thought the kid was named after Jude Law or 'Hey Jude'.
― Anonymous User 2/23/2007
I think this is a vile name to give your child. It literally means 'Jew' in German and sounds unrefined & vulgar.
― Anonymous User 11/12/2006
To the person who commented above this: That was the most ignorant, intolerant, and rude comment I have read on this website. Yes it means Jew to a very small portion of the world that speak German. What is wrong with being a Jew anyway? Christian is a very popular name and I'm sure you don't have a problem with that, so think before you speak becuase you are coming off as a person who would have fit in well in the World War 2 German military.
I didn't say the name was vile BECAUSE it meant Jew, I simply said I think it's vile and then stated it's German meaning in a different sentence altogether. There was no intended implication of anti-Jewish sentiment and I apologise if that's how it sounded.Contrary to your assertion that the name only has a Jewish connotation to those in the German speaking world, anyone with an education knows that Jude, Judas and related names come from the name of 'Yehuda' - an important tribal forefather of the Jewish people. The Jewish link is apparent whether your language is English, German, Danish or even Swahili!By the way, I don't like the name Christian either.
― Anonymous User 11/26/2006
Jude is a great name for a boy, strong and masculine sounding. I wouldn't use it for a girl.
― Anonymous User 6/8/2006
This name has grown on me, it sounds nice, and it is strong and masculine. Not childish at all. There is a Jude in my son's kindergarten class.
― Anonymous User 4/26/2006
My aunt and uncle have just given Jude as a middle name for their baby daughter. I think it's really pretty as a girl's name, not just a boy's name. However - saying that, I will always think of Jude the Obscure when I hear it.
I don't really like this name, because JUDE betrayed Jesus and handed him over to die. It would be a shame to be named Jude.
― Anonymous User 3/28/2006
I really like this name. My mum says people would associate it with Judas Iscariot, the betrayer of Jesus Christ, but I don't think so. Very nice name.
― Anonymous User 3/19/2006
I named my son Jude because it was a family name, all the men for the past four generations on my mother's side second name have been Jude. My husband and I couldn't agree on a first name so his first name became his second name! St. Jude is the patron saint of lost causes and was the cousin of Jesus. There is a wonderful song by an Irish singer Mic Christopher called 'Looking for Jude' and that is my son's song - not the Beatles! When I tell people that his name is Jude they ask if I am a fan of Jude Law or the Beatles to which they are told that I am not!