Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I much, much, much prefer Georgia.
This reminds me of the person who misspelled George Orwell as Jorjor Well. This name looks misspelled.
I don't like this creative spelling of Georgia that reminds me of Jorge in my opinion. I prefer Georgia.
Ugly made-up spelling of Georgia.
Hate this spelling very much! Why not Georgia? It's better and looks more complete.
It's gonna be misspelled so many times. Georgia is a prettier spelling.
What's wrong with Georgia?
I’m so proud of my name. My father picked it out from a girl he taught at his Preschool. She was kind, beautiful, smart and always made him laugh when she would come to school.
I get it’s different to spell and unusual, but it’s so much nicer to me. I love the different spelling of my name.
I was lucky enough to have my best friend have the same exact name.
I don’t see how it’s rude or harsh. I’m so confused by these comments... There are a lot of worse names in the world.
My name is Jorja and I find it disrespectful when people are saying it's a bad name. I love my name because it is unique and not many people have the name. Georgia is such a common spelling and I like how Jorja isn't a common name. I have gotten so many compliments over my name and I know people who have named their children after me.
People would be asking you all your life, "Is that Georgia, or Jorja?"
I guess your name doesn't have to be spelled Jorja to be ignorant, rude and disrespectful. It kills me how your name is so simple and plain and you love it because it's commonly accepted by society. There are smart intelligent people who think outside the box and don't want to have basic, common names. Whether you like the way the name is spelled or not, someone will love it. It's nothing wrong with your common, safe, traditional names and that goes the same for Jorja. And you should be careful about how you speak about people's names because Dr. Jorja may save your life one day.
The spelling of my name is 'Jorja', and I've gotten many compliments about it and quite a lot of people like the way I spell my name. My parents were not 'stupid' enough or just being 'kr3at1ve' when they chose the spelling, they liked it and I do as well.
I think this is a great modern update on the classic name. Jorja Rae is my daughter's name and I have had so many compliments on her name.
My wonderful girlfriend is named Jorja. I think most of you are wrong - the way it's spelt is beautiful and I think the reason you have a problem with it is because all your names are 'normal' and 'ordinary'.
I love the name Jorja, hence why I called my beautiful daughter Jorja!
I think this modern take on the name sounds pretty and looks more feminine than the old fashioned version.
No matter which spelling is chosen, I still dislike this name as it doesn't sound very feminine to me. 'Jorja' looks very odd.
I find this name to be so lowbrow and full of "white trashy-ness" I have to comment.. I have FB friend with a child with this name; I just can't get over how silly of a name this is.. geez..
I strongly dislike the name Jorja. Even the sound of it's not that pretty. But when you spell it like Georgia, it makes it much more classic and elegant. I actually like it spelled this way. Spelling matters.
I think this name should be arrested for crimes against the person, as the English legal expression goes. Why mangle the beautiful traditional spelling Georgia into this kr8tiv travesty? Ugh!
I have also seen it spelled Jorga. Yuk!
I agree. When I first saw this name, I thought it was a of feminisation of Jorge, pronounced HOR-ha. Now I see it's a form of Georgia. Truly, some parent's creativity amazes me.
I really do not like this spelling at all. It's too obvious, like someone who can't spell and does it all phonetically. Georgia looks so much prettier.
Too lazy to spell "Georgia" or is "Georgia" not "cree8tyv" enough? At least people can spell "Georgia"!
It looks like it should be pronounced "HOHR-huh," which is just terrible. Yes it is pronounced "JOHR-juh," but still.
This spelling of Georgia is pretty bad. Jorja looks as if the parents were either very "creative" (in a bad way) or just too dumb to spell Georgia correctly. I remember that when I was little I heard the name Gina and had no idea how to spell it so I just decided it had to be Jina. I figured out the correct spelling pretty quickly, though. So when I hear of parents naming a kid Jorja I think hmmmm maybe they heard the name somewhere and didn't know what it was or how to spell it so they thought it had to be Jorja. It also makes me think of the name of my Spanish teacher Jorje (male) so I want to give it a Spanish pronunciation.
An absolute cock-up of a spelling. While Georgia is the most popular version (yay!) in New Zealand, Jorja has been found for years there. I doubt Jorja Fox was the inspiration. I refuse to say JOR juh. It's only HOR ha.
This horrible spelling makes the parents and kids alike appear illiterate. I've read that Jorja Fox always had to convince people that really, she can spell, and her name is spelled like that.
Jorja in Spanish would be hore-ha. So no, I don't think it's a very pretty way of spelling Georgia.
Name your daughter Jorja and just convince the world you're illiterate every time you have to correct the way people are going to spell it! Look, if you just can't bear spelling it "Georgia", then pick just one half of the name to mess with, huh? Like, "Jorgia". Whaddya think? Good compromise?
Or use the Italian spelling Giorgia. Anything's better than Jorja!
Why? What's wrong with Georgia?
This spelling is just bizarre. It looks so rude and harsh.
In my opinion, this is such an unflattering variant. It looks like some little kid misspelled it, or whatever.
Jorja seems Scandinavian to me.
For some reason I really, really like this name. I like this spelling better than Georgia.
Nice name but I prefer the spelling Georgia.
I really like the name Jorja. Spelling it 'Georgia' makes it look too much like another one of those male-turned-into-female-names. This spelling is much nicer.
I think Georgia is a very pretty name, but Jorja just ruins it. The Spanish form of George is Jorge, pronounced HAWR-he. Jorja reminds me of this name, and looks like it should be pronounced Hawr-ha, which sounds like a pretty bad word for a girl.

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