Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I have a friend named Jordyn, yes he is a boy. I’d prefer it if his name was spelled Jordan because Jordyn seems more feminine to me.
I don't like the name Jordan, and this one is even worse. Looks like it should/could be pronounced JAWR-din or JAWR-deen instead of JAWR-dən. The same goes with any other names that end in -yn.
I think Jordan works fine for a girl. Growing up, I knew girls named Jordan as well, so I don't see it as a problem. Jordan is unisex. Also, Jordyn, this spelling, isn't as bad as people make it out to be in my opinion. Especially since it's a well known spelling. It's not like Jordanne. What's wrong with y's? Alyssa looks far better than Alissa in my opinion.If you want a "Feminine" variant and you don't find Jordan feminine, how about Jordana? It's pretty. "Jor-dAN-uh". However, if Jordan or Jordyn are your cup of tea, then totally use them for your daughter.
Not as bad as people make it out to be, honestly.
My name is Jordyn and I love it. I honestly wouldn't change it for the world. I think my name defines me well and makes Some people might think the "Y" is dumb, but it makes the name more feminine, in my opinion.
LOVE this name on a girl but much prefer Jordan.
I love this name for a girl soo much! It will sound nice when she grows up.
I'm not really a fan of Jordan, especially when used on a girl, but I really dislike this spelling. The "y" is so out of place and unnecessary.
“Y” is ugly and unneeded.
Jordyn was unique when I first heard it, now it's more common and overused.
As I hate the name Jordan, I dislike Jordyn even more. Whats next, Jordynne or Giordin? Jordanne? Geordine? I really dislike the sound of Jordan.
I always liked the name Jordan for a boy or a girl. When I first saw the name spelled with a Y Jordyn, (on one of my children's valentine's day class list) I immediately knew it was a female. This is a GREAT way to spell Jordyn for a girl! My youngest child's name is Jordyn Alexis and she loves it!
A great name but such a terrible spelling. J-O-R-D-A-N and for a boy only.
My daughter's name is Jordyn Leann. I love her name of course, and she loves it too. I'll come back to this site and share more about what she says about her name. She does however, love her name so much.
My daughter's name is Jordyn (first) Savannah (middle) and I think it's absolutely beautiful! I did the "Y" because my son's name is Rylan and I want one "Y" in both of their names!
I prefer this spelling on girls and Jordan on boys. I like the idea of spelling differentiation between boys and girls. Most names have multiple spellings. I do not know why people get so angry about different spellings. Some people suggest Jordana as an alternative for a girl. However, I find Jordana to sound very frumpy and boring.
This is just awful, stop screwing up spellings and making your child look lower class.
I always thought this spelling to be ugly, childish, trendoid, and tacky. Contrary to trendy belief, a Y does nyt myke a nyme fymynyne. Jordana is the feminine version of Jordan, not Jordyn. I also want to pronounce this Jor-DINE, not JORD-in. Vowels actually mean something!
I am an American female named Jordyn. I was born in 1988, a year before the "Y" spelling debuted on the Social Security Administration's list and ten years after "Jordan" as a female name appeared on the list at all. Here are some of my notes on the name:1. My mother fell in love with the name after reading an article in the January 1981 issue of Good Housekeeping. Debby Boone and her SON Jordan graced the cover. She thought it would be a cute name for a girl. Go figure.2. Obviously my mother chose the spelling. She felt it was more feminine. As of 2009, the "Y" spelling is more popular for girls, but it's still a pain in the ass to spell it constantly. I have hope the "Y" spelling will eventually be common place.3. I used to dislike my name, thinking it too masculine, but since the rise of unisex names, I am less self conscious about it. It took me 21 years to get to this place. I feel am "just girly enough" to pull it off.
As Jordan is a unisex name, it seems redundant to feminise it.I've never quite understood why putting a Y in a name instantly makes it "feminine". Is Harry a "feminine" name because it ends in a Y?
I really like this name! I say this spelling as JOR-din, while Jordan as JOR-dan, and I like the IN ending more, I would consider it, but it doesn't sound good with my other favourite girl names :(
I love this spelling of the name for a girl. It sounds to pretty and since I love the name Jordan, it works very well. It doesn't necessarily mean you're an immature parent that thinks it's "cute". It really works. I would love to name a future daughter of mine this.
The 'y' makes it look strange and made up. Jordana is much, much prettier than this.
Using a 'y' in the place of the unstressed vowel in a masculine name doesn't make it sound any more feminine, and it just looks like something young, immature parents would pick to make it appear ''cuter''. This name doesn't sound good on grown women, no matter how masculine or indie they are. Plus, the spelling could lead to credibility issues in this classist world.
This is one of my daughters' middle name. I spelled it like this because both of daughters have y's in their names. But no one would let me "misspell" Samantha so I had to change Jordyn instead.
I like this spelling for a girl.

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