Comments (Personal Impression Only)

I love this name and it is in my top 5. Only problem is I think people will pronounce it Jordahna and I like it Jor DANN a so thinking about adding an extra N but not sure.
Jordana is my middle and Hebrew name. I admire the work of the Canadian clinical psychologist, Jordan Peterson, and am honored to have a female version of his name.
Nope. Very 40-55 years ago, and Jordan is a great name- boy or girl. Old woman name, can't IMAGINE a woman younger than 60 having this name.
Nope, don't like it. I much prefer JORDAN!
It's okay, not one of my favorites.
It looks forced, but it's better than Jordan on a girl.
Never heard this name before. I don't really like it, but it sounds more feminine than Jordan for girls.
What a beautiful and unique feminine name. Jordana is a really lovely alternative to Jordan for a girl, but I realized that Jordan for a girl is nice, but Jordana for a girl is better when you have Jordan as the masculine form. I can’t believe that this name is not popular.
I really don't like this. If you want to use Jordan, just use it; it makes more sense. This is somewhat pretty, but it doesn't really work as a name.
It’s not one of the best out there but at least this looks FEMININE and USEFUL!
I recently discovered this name and I just love it. Its rare and unique, yet old and timeless. Very classy. My "sister names" are Imogen, Astrid, and Enni.
I love the name Jordana xx:). As it is my name! at school they call me Dana, Jord, Jordy. My Spanish relatives call me Hordana the Spanish river that travels through the country. Most people think the name is spelt like Gordana Goirdana Joirdane Gordarna which I find really annoying. People pronounce it like jaw-darn-ah but that's not how my mum wanted it to sound like jaw-dane-ah.
Jordana's a nice name. Different. But isn't it that cheapie makeup line they sell at Walmart and Target? It's literally a 99 cent line. That blows it for me. Jordana Cosmetics. Look it up.
This is such a pretty name. I wish people used this instead of Jordan (g).
Like many others, I prefer this variant to Jordan as a feminine name. And Jordana Brewster always comes to mind whenever I see this name. Anyway, I really love the way it sounds. A little girl can have this, and it would be easy to pronounce and have a lot of spirit; and an adult can have this name, and it would have lots of spunk and style.
I don't love the name, but I'll give the parents who choose this name credit for turning it feminine instead of using Jordan, or just spelling it as Jordyn, as if a 'y' in the position of the unstressed vowel somehow turns a masculine name feminine.
Jordana is such a strong and worldy name, with a hint of exotic charm. Jordana Sarai has been my #1 name combo for a long while now - I adore it!
I prefer Jordana to Jordan for a girl. A good name with many nickname options (Jordie, Dani, Ana, Annie).
I have to agree, I prefer Jordana for a girl rather than Jordan which to me is very masculine.

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