Comments (Personal Impression Only)

If you don’t like it, don’t use it as the name of your child. This is my daughter’s name and no one in our family has any regrets. She was born before Angelina was popular and I have met a few Jolies over the years. This was the name of one of my clients and I asked her about it when considering it as a baby name. She loved her name as well and had never had any negative reactions.
This is a perfectly fine name. One of my friends is called this, and her parents did indeed get the name from Angelina Jolie.
This just screams "I'm a gigantic fan of Angelina Jolie". It's also not used as a name in France.
I love the meaning, but it’s way too associated with Angelina Jolie.
Way too associated with Angelina Jolie.
A cute and pretty name that fits well with its meaning.
Simply a beautiful name. It reminds me of a talented, beautiful young woman.
Reminds me of the English word "jolly". Has a pretty meaning, but I wouldn't use it.
This is the name of my sister, except she spells it Joely, with the accent on the Joe part of it. My parents wanted to incorporate my father's name Joe into her name. I find the name very graceful and pretty, but it annoys my sister sometimes when people call her Julie or pronounce it with the accent on the second syllable. That said, I love this name.
I love the look and sound of this name, and I always thought of it as the prettier version of "Julie", but Angelina Jolie has ruined it for me.
It sounds nice but the person named Jolie will regularly be subject to prejudice for having such a name. "Your parent/s must have been pretty vacuous to have come up with that name." "Jolie by name but not Jolie by nature." If Jolie is a name then why not Precious, Wonderful, Delicious, Opal, Fantastic, Priceless. Onomatopoeia, that sounds nice. Names of flowers work. Umm... not so sure anymore about all this.
The name Jolie is well placed because I believe all names are forms of words. I named my daughter Jolie not because of what you mentioned in these comments but just the meaning. After all, there are some names like Peter (meaning stone) in Greek and there are other names given after animals, buildings etc. Jolie means a nice thing and besides it means Origin, cheerful, or pretty. Think about your name and its meaning. It may mean something more dangerous than any other names.My name is Charles but it means a more terrible thing (man, army or warrior) than I thought. So just drop all this negativity.
What a nice name!
My sisters name is Joleigh but is pronounced the same way. I personally love this name.
This is such a nice name! I really like it and may use it some day.
My friend is named Jolie and she is the first person I have ever heard of with this name (other than Angelina) she told me the meaning of her name proudly and she loves her name. She is so bouncy and full of life and has beautiful golden hair. It suits her perfectly.
Jolie is a good name. I love it.
Hi, my name is Jolie and I am sick of people judging people whose names mean something like beautiful or pretty, but I am happy that some people are nice and say that my name is cool... but just saying, you should really think before you say that someone's name is bad or they should not have it.
I quite like it as a name. Many names have other uses or meanings outside of the English language so I don't think that it makes much difference. My sisters name is Zolie as our parents liked Jolie but wanted us all to have Z names, theres definitely worse things to be called :)
My husband is Joe and I'm Shelly, so I would love to name our daughter Joelly. But I hate that Jolie is becoming so trendy and if one person asks if she's named after Angelina I'll scream.
Jolie is a beautiful name, (no pun intended). I know someome w/ this name, and I can't tell you how immensely jealous I am.
I, personally, love the name. I kind of have to, seeing as my name is almost exactly the same, except spelled differently (Jolee).
I personally think Jolie sounds kind of corny as a name. It would look pretty obvious that the parents are obsessed with Angelina Jolie. Still, it's not as bad as some other celebrity-inspired names like Kanye or Miley.
It sounds best in French, I don't like it as a name though. Like some people have said people will always say "Oh like Angelina Jolie?". It is a nice nickname for Jolene though.
I don't like this as a middle or first name on a person, but on an animal I like it. Of course if you named her Jolie people would say "Oh Like Angelina?" Or even a middle name people will be like "Did you get the idea from Angelina?". I do like Angelina Jolie, and I like both her names!
I like this name. Bonnie and Bonita mean "pretty" as well, and outside of Scotland and Spain they've been adopted as names, so why not Jolie? It's the feminine form of the word, and at least it doesn't mean something weird, like Chanté. I'm not sure about using it, but I do like this name. The French pronunciation sounds very elegant and soft, and this is the rare time that the English pronunciation sounds pretty too.
I like this name, though if I ever name a girl this, I'd spell it Joliet, the 't' is silent. I think it looks more complete.
I have a niece named 'Joliet' with a silent 't' in it. I think it looks more complete somehow. I like the French pronunciation but we call her "JOH-lee" because it's easier.
I agree with not naming your kid "pretty" or "beautiful" (I happen to not like Belle or Bella, either), but I think that Jolie as a middle name is pretty.
It's velvety as zho-LEE, the French pronunciation, but spry and sparkly as jo-LEE.
It's too bad Angelina Jolie has inspired people to use this silly little name. People will assume that girls named Jolie were named after her, and that seems tacky. It means 'pretty' in French, so in French-speaking areas, people will surely find it amusing.
This "name" is just a word in France. Yet many non-French have adopted it and used it, so outside of France it is a legitimate name. I think it's, excuse me, "pretty". I live in France, otherwise I'd add it to my favorites.If you're interested in pretty French words that can serve as names outside of France, consider a phonetic spelling of "gentil" -- the word for "nice" -- pronounced: jawn-TEE; or "mignonne" -- the feminine word for "cute" and/or "small" -- pronounced: mee-nyohn; or "petite" -- the feminine word for "little" -- pronounced: puh-teet.
I think Jolie is a nice name, but I wouldn't name my child it.
I like the name Jolie, I may have even named my daughter this. However, I think people couldn't get past the connection with Angelina Jolie. Angelina Jolie is very pretty though.
I think this name is cute.
I do see why some people are aganist this name, Linda also means pretty in Spanish and it's a name. For crying out loud, Dolores is a name and it means "pains". I think Jolie is a nice name, especially pronounced the French way.
I like it the French pronunciation, it sounds more elegant.
I love this name so so much, because it's mine! I don't think there's anything wrong with the meaning, it's pronounced differently in French anyway so there isn't much confusion.
Jolie is the name of my niece. And I believe that the name can just describe her as a "beautiful" person. Not necessarily her looks.
I don't see why some people are so against Jolie as a name just because it's the word for beautiful in French. What about Belle and Bella? These names are very popular yet they mean beautiful in French and Italian as well. Just think about it. There are so many names out there that are also a specific word. I mean, think about English words that we use as names: Grace, Hope, Harmony, Heaven, Charity, Faith, etc. The list goes on and on. I personally don't think there's anything wrong with having or giving someone names like these. Truthfully, I think they're all rather charming!

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