HOW IS THIS MASCULINE?! Jess is unisex, Jesse is masculine, and Jessie is feminine (nickname for Jessica/Janessa)!
― Anonymous User 3/29/2021
I personally think that Jessie should stay as a boy's name.
― Anonymous User 3/24/2021
I remember when I was young, I drew a character named Jessie who was a boy. To this day I have no idea why I named him that. One of the reasons this name is unisex to me.
― Anonymous User 3/14/2019
This could have been my name. I was gonna have this name because of my mother's favorite song "Jessie's Girl". Yes, I am male and yes this was gonna be how it was spelled. I like this name, even with the "ie" at the end. Still pronounced the same and sounds masculine.
Jesse is a much more traditional spelling in my opinion, and it looks more masculine. Jesse is a good boy name, in my opinion, I just don't like this spelling.
― Anonymous User 9/16/2017
This is a males name regardless of how you spell it.
― Anonymous User 11/11/2014
To me this spelling is feminine. Use Jesse on a boy.