Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Much better than Jessica! Jessa is so cute! :)
I love the name Jessa! I think it sounds very elegant, sassy (in a good way), and mature! Great name, I am surprised to see the hate.
Pretty name that I like!
Girls are named Tessa and Jenna, why not Jessa? This name seems spunky and sweet just like those names. All this hatred over this name was surprising to see. I think it's very cute and lively.
This is a pretty name, but I can't help thinking of the Duggar kid named Jessa...
I've always preferred this over the way too popular Jessica, it's way prettier.
I don't know why, but for some reason it sounds kind of unusual to me, but then again when I first heard the name Ella that sounded unusual to me too, since I was so used to Ellie. Hopefully this name ends up growing on me, since it does seem pretty. (I don't hate this name at all)
Different! I think people need to make this name happen! Make it normal guys, name your babies Jessa (or spell it like JESSAH) either way, this name sounds too awesome to not be a name.
I've only ever met one girl in middle school who used this name. Personally, I'm torn on it. It is definitely easier to say and spell than the much more conventional Jessica. However, it feels as though something is missing.
This name is kinda ditzy-sounding, and I can't picture an older woman with this name. It's made worse by the fact that it has the association with that disgusting Bible-thumping Duggar family.
My name is Jessa Mae and I love it. Some people says my name is unique and it's a very nice name. It's kind of mean how some people are saying my name or Jessa Mae is an unattractive name. For me, I love my name and I think it's very unique.
Rather than being merely a diminutive of Jessica, I don't see why Jessa can't be a feminine form of Jesse.
I love this name.
To me it's much prettier than Jessica.
The use of "Jessa" as a full first name is incredibly juvenile and need I say it? Unattractive. As a nickname it stands on the thin line of neutral grounds... if that line is crossed to first, it immediately will receive my vote of childish, unprofessional, unintelligent, and ugly.
This name is something that I like to call "forever young"... it will not make good transition into a woman's business career from childhood.
I disagree with Francesca, and there really is no need to be so incredibly rude about a name, for god's sakes. This name is not by any means ugly, let alone "forever young" I think it's a heck of a lot more mature sounding than all the Braden, Jayden, Aidan, Kylie, kaylee, Kayla, etc... Although it doesn't really seem like an actual name. I think it's a very refreshing and unique name compared to Jessica, personally :)
This is SOOOO pretty! I love it!
My name is Jessica, and I always found it boring. But I adore the name Jessa, and think it would look great hyphenated like 'Jessa-Lee', 'Jessa-Rose', 'Jessa-Mae'. A girl in my class is named Jessa Mae, I think it's very pretty.
This just doesn't sound right. If you really like the sound, name your daughter Jessica, and call her Jessa if you wish. I personally think Jess and Jessie are much, much better nicknames for Jessica, this is just plain ugly.
I like this heaps better than Jessica. I like Jeska too but it wasn't listed. ;(

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