I know a Jena who says JEH-na. To me it says JEE-nah though, due to the one n.
― Anonymous User 1/20/2021
My name is Jena and I was named after my grandmother Jean in 1988. So cool to see someone in this thread with the same experience as me! But no matter what everyone in your entire life will spell your name wrong. Even if it’s written right in front of their eyes. People who are my Facebook friends often spell out Jenna even when my name is right there! I often wonder if they think I spelt my own name wrong? I’ve grown to love my name though, despite the spelling errors lol.
My name is Jenah, born in 1985. My mom named me after Priscilla Presley's character in the tv show "Dallas". However, I do not know where she came up with the spelling. People have mispronounced my name ever since I was born with every possible version you can think of. I used to think I was the only "Jenah" that existed but I was wrong. I first realized this when there was a character on the show America's next top model with the same spelling.
I wouldn't use this spelling. It would cause confusion because it can be pronounced like Jenna and also like Gina.
― Anonymous User 11/7/2011
If you really want to give this boring, bland, overused name to your daughter, do her and everyone else a favor and spell it Jenna. People will assume it's pronounced like Gina and Gena. Then you don't have to have a hissy fit and end up becoming the butt of unfair sexist jokes and perpetuating negative stereotypes about females when people WILL get it wrong.
My name is Jena. I pronounce it like the name Jenna. It's frustrating when people spell it with two n's or say it incorrectly. However, I still love my name. It's unique without being obnoxiously trendy. I have only met two others who spelled it like this in my entire life. Despite being a variation of Jenna, Jena has a different feel in my opinion.
― Anonymous User 2/11/2008
My daughter's name is Jena Katherine. I think it flows very nicely. My mothers name was Jean and I rearranged the letters. The only problem is a lot of people do pronounce it like Gina. Which confuses me because Jen is obvious - just add an "a" to it. Oh well!
― Anonymous User 12/31/2006
I love this name! It's so pretty! And I like this spelling better than Jenna.
― Anonymous User 12/28/2006
My name is Jena. I think it is a pretty and unique version of the name "Jenna". Not many people have the name (spelled like this, at least) and that's what I love about it. Though sometimes people tend to pronounce it like the name "Gina", which can be extremely irritating seeing as there is no "g", "i", or "ee"-like sound in it.
― Anonymous User 10/23/2006
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