I've always hated my name, especially with the way it's spelled, Janette, I've been called Janet my whole life (doesn't help that my ex's wife is actually Janet) As uncommon as I think it is, I've known quite a few Jeanette's, and only with that spelling. I always felt bad rarely seeing something personalized in gift shops and when I did, wrong spelling! I've grown to appreciate my name, though I generally use JMarie when online or Janette Marie, my middle name just makes it sound better to me.
I am 51, and until my freshman year of high school I was called Jenny. In elementary and high school, I was the only person named Jeanette. I love my name, and have now for many years. It is the French name for Joan of Arc. Even today I receive comments about my name and how unusual it is. The few people I have encountered, or someone had a relative named Jeanette, the spelling was always with two "n". My middle name is Marie, which was my mother's middle name. I like names which are elegant and feminine and if able to be shortened, can be something nice. So many people do not think when they name their children, the horrendous nicknames or rhyming which can occur. I love biblical names also, and said if I have a daughter, I wanted to name her Rachel. I had a beautiful son and named him Jacob, only able to be shortened to Jake. Masculine name. Many studies have been completed showing the affect a person's name can have on their career, and life in general. It's very interesting.
In 1985 I named my baby girl, Jeanette. My middle name is Jean and Jeanette is a form which means little Jean. The name also means gift from God which my daughter was. She passed away at 17 from cancer, but she was the sweetest and most loving girl. To me the name is so beautiful. One of Jeanette's classmates named a star Jeanette. She loved the story The Little Prince. So, there actually is a star named Jeanette for this amazing girl.
I just wanted to say that I read your comment about your daughter's name, Jeanette, and that has got to be one of the sweetest things I've ever heard. I'm so sorry to hear your daughter has passed away, but just know that she‘s in beautiful peace, illness-free and she's smiling down on you from Heaven. May God bless and protect you.
I find this name quite beautiful. My sister's name is Jeanette, I find this name to fit her really well. She is girly yet can be quiet. I sometimes call her Jeanettey just to annoy her.
I think it's pretty, though it's not a favorite. To me, it sounds like the name of an shy, smart girl who has her sights set on living a successful life.
This is my middle name and I think it's absolutely wonderful! I don't think it would work as my first name at all, but having it as my middle adds a continental touch to the Irish-Irishness of the rest of my name.
Not a favorite, but it's nice and sounds cute. This is a name that fits a girl who is prim, feminine and sweet. I've known 2 Jeanette's and they seem to be a bit girly.