Comments (Personal Impression Only)

This is my name. After 40 years it’s grown on me but I don't know if I ever loved it. I do get tired of constantly spelling it for people. I would prefer Janie or Jane just for convenience rather than spending my whole life saying Jayne with a Y.
This is my preferred spelling of Jane. “Jane” is just too close (spelling wise) to “Jade” which is a name I used to go by. All are beautiful names, but Jayne is just so much prettier to me. Stop saying stuff like “kreativ” because it’s not “kreativ” it’s just a variant. This name has been around for a long time. It’s not like Kymberleigh or Brittaneigh.
Meh. Jane is much better.
Another kre8tyv spelling, but it's not too bad. Not trashy, but definitely not my favorite.
Although I personally prefer Jane, there is nothing wrong with Jayne! It is not horrible or trashy it is youthful and elegant.
This is literally a krie8yve spelling of Jane. Why can't you just stick to the usual? The classic? Someone in the comments earlier said that this isn't a krie8yve spelling and it actually looks older than Jane because old English names have extra letters. That's not true. First of all, I checked the family tree, after Jehanne, there was Jane, and after Jane came its diminutives and different forms. And one of them was Jayne! It's just a krie8yve spelling of Jane! It came after Jane, it was readjusted in a disgustingly ugly spelling! This is honestly an insult to the original, good spelling. Not only does the y look so extra but it also makes the e stand out in a bad way. It should just be spelled Jayn in that case. I can't stress this enough. This name is nowhere as near as good as Jane. And if you think that Jane is too plain or don't like the association with plain Jane, then go for Jean or Jeanne, both have the same origins, same as Jane, also have a similar sound but are still quite different and you may find them more unique. Just- whatever you do- don't use this spelling. Use Jane, Jean, Jeanne, Jenna, Jeanna, even just Jayn if you must make it creative, just DON'T use Jayne. PLEASE!
Jayne is a really nice name.
I don’t like the plain Jane association. But I still prefer Jane even though it’s plain.
I like this more than Jane, which is very plain.
A nice, fresh twist on Jane.
Jane is prettier.
Unlike some of the comments here I think Jayne is a nice name, not trashy, disgusting as some others would say.
I like the name Jayne for a middle name. It always seemed to me to be a classy, elegant name. Also the "y" is not "kreatyv" as "Jayne" has been around almost as long as "Jane" has. If anything it looks older to me; Old English had extra letters stuck in everywhere.
You know, I like the name Jayne and I actually wished it was my name.
My name is Jayne but my mother wanted it to be pronounced like jay-knee. I hate it absolutely it's been a curse on me since the beginning I hate correcting people all the time I'm going to change it. It's the worst name ever, at least in my experience.
Looks messy compared to Jane, not as simple and to the point. Still more unique, though.
Hey friends, real-life Jayne here to offer my opinions on the addition of the y!
1) It isn’t a “kreatyv” spelling- Jayne and Jaynes are both last names that have been around for a while, so why are y’all so mad about Jayne being a first name (which has also been around for a while)?
2) I love having a y in my name because I think it gives life to a traditional and common name! I’d probably still like my name if I was a Jane, but Jayne is less plain :)
3) Yes, people misspell it and mispronounce it all the time (I’ve gotten Janie more than you know, and Janay at least 4 times in my life, which I don’t completely understand). I’ve gotten used to the misspellings and it doesn’t bother me, unless people I know misspell it (come on y’all).
4) As a child, I never got to enjoy magnets, keychains, mint tins, etc. With my name on them, but I’ve come to realize that those things don’t really matter in the grand scheme of things (I do still have a magnet that says ‘Jane’ because I wanted to get a taste of what I was missing out on).
TL;DR let’s stop hating on a perfectly legitimate and fun spelling of a classic name and focus on some real issues!
EEW EEW EEW. So ugly and boring. This is my least favourite name next to Jane. Jane might be a little better, But I still hate it!
It's not terrible. I love Jane a lot more, though. I don't really see the point of the Y, personally, if it's just because you like to add extra silent letters for no reason (usually explained as, "it's more unique"). But I can imagine it being spelled this way if you were naming a daughter after someone named Jay, or after someone with the surname Jayne.
Don't attack me, but I'm not a fan of the 'y' in the middle of it. I like it better as a middle name, if you must use it.
I love the name Jayne. It is my middle name and the name I use. My problem is my given name is Savannah Jayne. My name literally means “plain Jayne”. Other than that, beautiful, elegant, and depending on the spelling, mysteriously dark. Fun variant is the addition of the “y”. Makes it interesting. Also it is an old name, so some weird new thing. My great great great aunt's name was Jayne.
Since I already put a lot of what I thought on this spelling of "Jane" in the comments for "Jane", I'll just reiterate the main points:
I like Jane better as a given name, and Jayne as a surname. My mother had Jayne as a middle name. I don't think it's different/horrible enough to be considered kreatyv, and it's been around since at least 1917 (given name) and 1618 (surname), so it can't really be considered a new spelling. Overall, it's a pretty good name, but I prefer Jane.
My given name is Jayne. I worked in a department with one other person, Jane. We were known as "Y' and "Y not." It was a kick. I'm curious, to all those who see Jayne-with-a-y as "creative" or tacky or overdone, do you have the same reaction to the name "Wayne?" If not, why not? That name could easily be spelled "Wane." The "y" in both names simply is evidence of earlier times, and hasn't completely dropped out. A study of Olde English spellings will help ye to understand this :)
Jayne is a very pretty name. It adds a creative touch to the typical boring Jane.
My name is Jayne with a "y". My parents decided to add the "y" because my father's middle name is "Jay"; I think that this adds a special touch to the slightly boring name, Jane.
Like a lot of the other users here, I immediately associate Jayne with a guy's name because of Firefly. "Jayne's a girl's name"
"Well Jayne ain't a girl".
I love, love, LOVE this name. I really like the spelling Jane; it seems more traditional and old-fashioned. But spelling it with a "Y" spices it up and makes it seem new and fresh. I absolutely love it!
I have to agree with the user above. Jayne Cobb has turned this into a very masculine name to me, and therefore I think it's a sturdy name for a male character.
Jayne sounds and looks feminine, however, it always makes me think of the stereotypical tough guy with no brains, probably because of Jayne Cobb from Firefly.
I think that Jayne is pretty. Jane is beautiful by itself, but it seems so much more girly and less plain with the addition of a "y". It isn't really outrageous enough (i.e. "Jaiynne") to be considered "kriatyv" because the additional "y" is just a very subtle alteration.
And I also really love Jayne Wisener.
Jane is pretty. Jayne is tacky.
Something about the spelling irks me. I don't know what.
My middle name is Jayne, and my father got it from a girl he went to primary school with in the 50s -- Jayne-with-a-y, as a teacher called her. So it's not exactly new, and pardon me if I don't exactly picture post-war Wales as a place awash with kreyativitee, or whatever. Just because a variant spelling is less common doesn't make it a sad attempt at being unique. That seems to be more of a sense of desperation from the parents themselves to have their little snowflake be special, which I don't imagine is a common thing amongst people who would even consider the name in question.Also, as a nickname, Jaynie looks a lot better than Janie, in my opinion.
It is interesting to me what a difference the spelling of a name can have on a person's impression of it. I have never cared for the name Jane much. Most likely due to the "Plain Jane" connotation. However once I learned of this spelling from a friend who spells her name this way - wow, it's like a whole different name! I really like Jayne!
This is a bastardization of the name Jane. I hate it when people try to be kreatyv with the way they spell classic names. No matter how many extra letters you put it it, at the end of the day the name is still Jane. Do not insert random letters just because it's pronounced the same way.
I have lived happily with my name Jayne with no related problem. My dad named me after Jayne Mansfield the actress. My siblings (3) all have names beginning with J or G and I like mine the best.
I like the spelling "Jane" much better. It seems more refined and elegant than "Jayne".
I much prefer Jane, even though my niece's middle name is Jayne. For your information, the Y doesn't make it unique or girly. It makes the parents look like they can't spell. And it isn't more exotic or beautiful, it's pronounced the same way. The only way I would accept Jane spelt with a Y is if it were a family name like my niece's. Hers is her Grandmother's maiden name.
My middle name is Jayne, I prefer it with the Y, makes it a bit more interesting! I am named after my great grandmother who has now passed away about 15yrs ago so I don't think it is a modern version of the name Jane!
I think Jayne is beautiful. Jane is just too plain. And just because there’s a Y in there doesn't mean it's automatically a creative / trendy name. Jayne was used even back in the 1910's, and it was ranked at #273 in the 1950's. Next time you people should research it before you shoot your mouth off and accuse people of being creative - or as a lot of you say, "kreatyve", as a cheap attempt at mocking people. Nice job demeaning people who don't have the same taste in names as you. Funny how all you bashers of the name posted anonymous. It's not like changing already trendy Caden to Cadyn or changing Stacey to Stayce or something. Jayne is gorgeous and by far an improvement next to boring Jane. It has much more class and elegance.
Jayne is not very modern but I like it with other names such as Ella-Jayne, Sarah-Jayne, Maria-Jayne, Mari-Jayne Sallie-Jayne. If you can be creative with this name you'll make a perfect name.
Everyone knows: add a 'y' and it makes anything more beautiful and creative! Yay for 'y's! Yay for 'Jayne'! I'm going to name my children Jayne, Susayn, and Dayvid!
I think it's very very pretty. And simple. I especially like the different spelling. I say "Whatever" to people who think otherwise. The unique spelling gives it a special edge, and changes it from "plain jane" to a beautiful alternative. I especially like it as a middle name. One of my favorite names right now is Julia Jayne.
In my opinion, name a person named Jayne's sister Marye and her brother Alexxanderr. That's how low I think of it.
I think this is a terrible name! Why ruin a perfectly lovely name (Jane) by being kreatyve with it?
This is my real first name. I hate it! I go by my middle name, Ann.
My name is Jayne. I must say I quite like it. It's not that plain, it's simple maybe. My mother was inspired to call me Jane when she was reading Jane Eyre while expecting me. She put the 'y' in for a little difference.

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