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Is this a new eeveelution or something?
Glad to see I’m not the only one who thinks this should be pronounced jay-see-in.
This spelling is just wrong.
Modern and ugly.
Excuse me, what name is this? It was so kre8tyv, I didn’t know it came from the name Jason at first!Bit extra if you ask me!
This is supposed to be Jason?!
HUH!? What the heck is this name? It looks HORRIBLE.
The ratings are so bad for this name :P.
Now this is one of the most hated names on this website, but I think that if it was pronounced jay-see-on and was used in a medieval fantasy setting, it could actually work!
This is a beautiful name. Sounds just how it is spelled. This name is not appreciated by a culture with no flavor.
This is just wrong.
This name looks ridiculous.
Flareon, Vaporeon, Jolteon, Glaceon, Espeon, Leafeon, Sylveon, and Jayceon: the eeveelutions. I'd never name a kid this.
I would never have heard of such a hideous spelling.
Many people will misspell this or mispronounce this, use Jason.
More of a name to give to females than males. Males are better off with the regular Jason or Jayson.

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