Comments (Personal Impression Only)

Sounds cool!
I love it, and the meaning is wonderful. I would name my son this (if I ever have one).
Sounds ultra modern even though it's not. I like the meaning, too.
A very nice name, but I don't like how it sounds like Java.
Javan means "miry" as in an unsure foothold. Javan was likely a very intelligent dreamer who liked to avoid certainty and burdensome commitments. He had great difficulty making decisions, and turned out to be a bit of an outcast in society. This ultimately drove him to the sea, which he fell in love with. It was his only means of escape from a cold world that was always demanding things from him. Finally, at long last, he could be care-free. Just him and the soothing sound of ocean waves.
I love this name. We chose this name for our baby boy!
This is a wonderfully historic name. It is biblical and also historical in Greece. Also this is the name of Noah's grandson. Noah as in Noahs Ark. I love the meaning of Angel of Greece. And I love the sound of the name. This name is a classic. It would age well and it is adorable for a little baby boy. I just love this name.
Even though this name ends in an, it is not a trendy name. Some find names trendy due to spelling and sound of what is "in" at the moment. But this is a historical name. It is not made up or kre8tive like some trendy names. This name is biblical and very historical. It is a classic unlike trendy names. It also isn't very popular. I like it that way. I don't like overly popular and trendy names. So I am so intrigued with this name. I love it!
I really like this name Javan. I have seen it spelled Javen before for a boy. I like the history of this name. This was the name of Noah's grandson in the bible. Also how it means Greece in Hebrew. I was once on a website that suggested the meaning could also mean Angel of Greece.

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