The name Janet has always been a huge favorite of mine; I love the sound of it, the (balanced) five-lettered length, how it writes on paper, and its long history. There simply isn't another name that could uphold to Janet, in my mind; it saddens me that it's unpopular now. To me, the name Janet sounds warm, friendly, vibrant, and mesmerizing.
I am a Janet. I knew a few at school in the 50s. I never hear the name now unless it's someone my age. I did hear someone shouting to his daughter a few years ago, a 4 year old called Janet- must say I was very surprised. I have friends that call me Juanita the Spanish version which I like and Jan. My middle name is Colette and as I've got older, I like Jan Colette. I told a girl this that I worked with and she loved it, she said she would call her daughter this x.
― Anonymous User 1/8/2022
Janet & Jenni, I LOVE those names! Wish my name was Janet or Jenni, because those names are gorgeous boo!
My mother named me Janet because of the meaning; “God’s Gracious Gift”. I was disappointed that this site does not list the meaning. Strange. I have never really cared for my name. When I was in my twenties, I started going by my middle name “Paige” which Mom got out of a book. She was very upset when I stopped going by Janet. I didn’t really understand why until I heard a young girls testimony. She was going by her middle name and enter ( ____ long testimony here.) The summation was God told her to go by her first name -because the meaning mattered. I took this as a word from God as well and now go by Janet! And yes, I’ve heard it all... Jannette, Damit Janet, Janet Planet, Janet Jackson (to this one I respond “only if you’re nasty, and I am NOT ha) I have learned to LOVE my name and the meaning even more!God Bless all JANETS. Let’s live up to our name and be God’s Gracious Gifts for all deserving.PS: To the ones posting that they think the name Janet is ugly- That says a lot about “you”, actually.
I hated my name when I was younger. Then at high school I found out that my favourite teacher's first name was Janet. Ever since then I've liked it. There's not a lot of us around in Australia and most of us are in the same age bracket. But don't call me Jan or you will be very quickly corrected! If I wanted to be known as Jan, that's the name I would have used. It's Janet and I like that it's sort of unique. From kindergarten right through to the end of high school, there was never another Janet in any of my classes, and I never worked with anyone called Janet.
I think it's a nice name, and I like it a lot. Janet isn't common for little girls anymore in North America and England according to statistics. So if you like Janet, go ahead and use it.
Personally I love being a Janet. I used to be called Jan then all of a sudden I realized I have a very strong and unique name. Everyone with a J sounding name is called Jan. Not for me. I decided that I would ask everyone to call me by my given name. I was surprised that everyone agreed so readily. So I am Janet and I am very proud to be so.
You can neither appreciate nor denounce the regally firm name, JANET... unless you are a JANET. Dammit, I absolutely LOVE this name and I could not imagine being named with another. I bow my head to my mother, who looked at me at birth and said, "Janet." And I smiled.
I was named after my father's cousin, Janice. When I was in school, I loved the reading primers that had my name as one of the characters (Janet and Mark). Janet is a name you have heard many times but rarely know anyone named Janet.
I like being a Janet. We're rare. I can count the number of Janet's I've met on one hand. Besides it sounds better than the made up drivel that's around now.
― Anonymous User 9/13/2017
Janet is such an ugly name, it sounds so androgynous to be honest. I cringe anytime I hear the name.
― Anonymous User 7/14/2017
I am a Janet and in the past 10 years I have not met anyone under the age of 50 with my name. I am in my late 20s. It was never clear to me who my namesake was but my mom was under the impression somehow that the name meant "water goddess" in French, Lol. She had just arrived in the US and I guess there were no French people around to verify this as true or false. My dad is the one who wanted me named Janet because he had a crush on Janet Jackson at that time (late 80s). My impressions of other Janets have been varied and none of them seemed to have anything in common with each other, or me for that matter. I know that the few Janets I have met close to my age have disliked their name and wanted a different one. I used to think I would have been 'better off' as an Emily. But then I met an Emily and she wasn't anything like me either, lol.Things white people say to me all the time is "Dammit Janet!" or "Have you seen Rocky Horror?" In middle school I ran as a mock UN ambassador and one of the kids running against me called his campaign "Don't vote for Janet, she'll ruin the planet". A time I really liked my name was way back in the 90s, when the show Captain Planet was on. It was a great show, but I also found it really easy to switch in my name and sing "Captain Janet". So, my advice is, if you think your daughter will grow up to join the Navy, Janet is a great name. Captain Janet, she's a hero.
I am also a Janet, though I have always gone by "Jen." My father insisted on naming be after his mother who had died a few years before I was born. My mom hated the name, so she agreed, but said she would call me "Jenny." When I got older I just became "Jen." Of course their are far too many Jennifers around my age, so I had to go by Janet in school. I have always hated the name!
This is my oldest daughter's middle name as this came from my mum's name, also my mum in law and my gran's name. It goes lovely with my daughter's first name. I actually don't know anyone else called this apart from in mine and my husbands family.
― Anonymous User 5/9/2016
I am also named Janet. I am okay with my name but, I like janna or janae better. It's not as plain as Janet. But I live with it!
I am also a Janet. I've never hated or overly liked it, but I'd rather be called Janet, than some of the silly names people choose today.
― Anonymous User 12/9/2015
I am a Janet. I never liked it much until I got older and people gave me the nickname Janet from another planet. I was special. I didn't know any Janet's growing up. In high school there were 2 others. In the 70's I worked in a small post office. Six people worked there and 2 of us were Janet. And yes I agree with someone who said it's going to come back.
This is my sister's name, it's not a name that you hear very often or at least I haven't heard it very often. My sister like myself was named after one of my fathers ex-girlfriends. I have only known 2 other Janets' besides my sister in my life. It's a what I would call unique name.
When I was 21 I had my entire name legally changed. I picked Janet as my new name because I didn't know anyone personally that had it and it also wasn't ever a name I heard frequently. Of course once I had my court date, was approved and got my new name I started hearing people use it all the time! And it seems that it's used in quite a number of commercials on television now too! Maybe it's always been that way and I'm just now picking up on it... who knows... I'm still happy with my name choice after 16 years so I'm keeping it :)
Personally, I don't think the name is entirely old or ugly sounding. Neither are names like Ellen or Mary, they can be quite old fashioned and outdated too, yet they are pretty at the same time, so names like Janet can be the same. Also, there can be some middle aged women with names like Sarah, Rachel, Emma, Lisa, Claire, etc, and they might not look like pretty young women, but it doesn't mean the name has to suit them any less.
Janet means 'gift of God'. My name is Janet and I hate it! No one pronounces it properly where I'm from, as they give it a French twist - Jeanette, which I don't like. Don't name your child Janet - it also sounds oldish in my opinion.
― Anonymous User 6/10/2013
I don't really think of that as a young child's name.
Ugly, ugly name. Reminds me of an overweight, low-class, hideous, and hateful elderly woman. Bleugh!
― Anonymous User 7/19/2010
To me the name sounds like a strong willed controlling older woman; but I've had bad experiences with the name. The first Janet I knew was a landlady who tried to unduly evict me, and the second Janet was my supervisor who laid me off and tried to scam me out of my unemployment benefits. What are the odds of that? Rant done.
This is my grandmother's name, but her full name is Janet- not Jane. I don't see why Janet is considered a nickname of Jane. The name Jane is too short to have a nickname.
― Anonymous User 6/2/2010
I'm fond of this name because Janet Jackson is one of my favorite female singers!
I never really liked this name at first, but after hearing (and loving) the Irish cognate Sinéad, I was drawn to this name. I think it's very pretty, even if it may have been very common and ordinary once.
This is one of those names that belongs to the baby boomer generation and would be strange on a child. However, I predict that it will come around again in about 15 years. There will be all kinds of babies named Carol and Deborah and Janet in 2021, I bet.
― Anonymous User 5/10/2006
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