This spelling of Jacob is only girly because of the k, but it’s a traditional male name so I prefer both spellings on a boy. I like Jacobine for a girl. Hypothetically, if I named a girl Jacob or Jakob, I would give her a more feminine middle name. I prefer the spelling Jacob, but Jakob is still an okay spelling.
― Anonymous User 11/23/2018
Jakob is an awesome name, some people just need to LOVE IT, NOT HATE IT.
It appears childish and "kre8tiv" in spelling. Beware.
― Anonymous User 6/30/2011
This isn’t a “kre8tyv” spelling, it’s the same name in a different language and not a kre8tyv spelling. Spelling the name Jaycob or Jeighkyb or whatever would be a kre8tyv spelling since it isn’t the same name in another language, unlike Jakob.
Like Jacob, I adore this name. Where Jacob is very old (yet still timeless, I believe), Jakob is a more modern twist; especially in the English-speaking world. I think this spelling should be wider used.
I do NOT like this as a girls' name. Take the surnames, but leave the classic male names alone. Would that the boys could borrow girl names as easily.
― Anonymous User 4/9/2007
I think this is a cute girl name.
― Anonymous User 4/5/2007
I personally prefer this spelling to Jacob very much, although it seems more ethnic, like you'd have to pronounce it the German way or something.
― Anonymous User 3/29/2007
I named my second son Jakob, it's a very masculine name, and spelled with the k it puts a new modern spin on it. Also Billy Joe Armstrong's (lead singer for Green Day) second son is named Jakob Danger, which we thought was pretty cool.