Comments (Personal Impression Only)

This name would be perfect for a character. I really want to see lesser names like this used more often, it would fantastic.
Ew I can't stand that O in it.
Weird! No one would ever say it right.
Weird spelling! I'd just use Jaden or Jayden.
This does look nice and it has an actual meaning, but people will mistake it for Jaden and its other spellings.
Jadon is the best name, all you haters.
Better stick to this one.
A lot better than any of its useless and meaningless but trendy counterparts, unless it was derived from them.
While I'm aware Jadon is a genuine biblical name, it sounds too much like the trendy Jayden/Jaden/Jaiden for me to like it.
I just had a son. Of the ten babies in the maternity ward, three were named Jaden in one spelling or another. Two were boys, one was a girl. Please reconsider naming your child this. You aren't naming a baby, you're naming a future adult. As other reviewers have noted, this (and all the similar -aden names) lack class and sound generic. This name isn't just bland, it's banal.
This name only looks good spelled like this. Other variations like Jayden and Jaidon look terrible.
Looks like a kreatyv spyllyng of the "name" Jaden.
It's the other way around. Jayden and the like are kry8iv spellings of this name, or simply people slamming popular sounds together to create a sort of etymological Frankenstein's monster.I like this name, and the meaning.
This is a nice name for a boy. I like this spelling the best.

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